Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 613

Deerina said, “ Please , my specialty is ice magic. You think you can live on my ice?” All the ice on the ground shaped into a single spike and spiked the snake in the gut. The snake howled. Blood spilled all over to place. Then the snake went still. Deerina summoned a wave of white light which pushed the disgusting snake carcass into the sea and continued third watch until the morning. Soon, all four companions were on their journey on the giant eagle that Leopardina had summoned. Suddenly, a hologram exploded to life in front of them. Deerina saw the leader of the snakes. He said, “WE BEAT YOU TO THE MAGICAL FRUIT! HEH! HEH! HEH!” Then the hologram showed a great massive tree with glowing fruit on it. The hologram flickered out. “No!” Monkin cried. “We lost!” “No!” Deerina said. “We can’t lose. Let’s use all our power! Maybe we can win!” They concentrated and imagined all their power outputted. The eagle disappeared, due to Leopardina’s output of power. They were now plummeting, but they were still concentrating. Suddenly, all four companions dissolved into light. They moved at the speed of light until they solidified at the magical fruit tree. The leader of the snakes was just about to touch the thick tree trunk. Tigron shot a ball of blue light which hit the snake leader. The snake leader reared back. Deerina touched the tree. Suddenly, a white light shone out from the magical fruit. All the animals closed their eyes, to avoid the blinding light. When the light faded, all the snakes were gone. Monkin explained, “All the evil animals in the world are gone now due to Deerina’s friendly touch of the tree bark.”