Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 607

New Journeys to the West
Ying Wa Primary School , Tong , Colin Sek Yuen - 10

A s the saying goes , “ Rome was not built in a day .’’ Accomplishing a hard task are usually looking for one that has the patience and mostly hard work . And a group of friends were obliged to journey the lands of unknown places-India , and they changed the impossible to the joyous hopes of the possible .

One day , Xuanzang , an ordinary man living in China , felt his country tarnishing apart . Everyday live was exceptionally boring . Accustomed to the boring society of bleak lives , Xuanzang decided that it would be put to a stop . His initiative action derived a big encourage from people who wanted to change the deteriorating China into a civilized place . Together who wanted to explore India was beloved pet monkey king , a friar pig , a friendly monk , and countless other whimsical creatures . Soon they were taking off on their way to India . On the way that they passed some mountains . Few could surmount such ‘ wondrous ’ heights . Suddenly , the monk waved his magic stick in midair and in front of them was an immense boat . They crammed in the boat and magically it flew up into the mountains . However , the worse was to come when they heard a high-pitched growl . ‘ Misfortunes never come alone ’. In fact , the ferocious growl was coming from intimidating wolfs . The monkey king immediately swooped in a tug-of -war, and with the cohesion of the powerful creatures and the friar pig ’ s potent magic skills helped defeat the wolfs . After the war , they only found out that the whole thing was just misapprehended and the wolfs were the gods of the wolf princess , Mrs . Tam , so they welcomed them into their group of explorers . Xuanzang felt that with their skyrocketing magic powers they would be able to rule India and bring back their precious treasure to China .
‘ Boom !’ The hammering and torrential rain rushing down in torrents was similar to an energized percussion band drumming their untolerable sound against the onslaught of brutal winds . And inside the small cabin of the monk ’ s boat , everyone was sure that they were never going to make the treacherous journey back to China , but the monkey king ’ s scream shook everyone into the terrified trance of scary experience . The boat , as wrecked as the Titanic , was washed onto the sandy beach of a rocky island . It was hours after the ship halted before the monkey king nudged his shivering hand . They found the ‘ Tam pigs ’ family ’, a family of pigs harvesting on the island . The friar monkey knew some of them and they all embraced each other . Soon they were treated to a mouth-watering dinner . Every day they helped mend the boat . Soon they were adequate supplies for them to survive at least a year . Time on the island was ephemeral and soon they were leaving the island with the whole throng of Tam pig family and with lots of hopes they left .
After a month , they arrived at the borders of India . The villagers there were very kind and food supplies were refiled instantly . The leader of the village , a young monk , promised that he would find treasure for them . He took out a treasure map and told them that they were menaced and harassed by the ghosts guarding the treasure chest resting in a ghost house on the top of the mountains . Xuanzang decided that he would defeat the ghost . With their friends marching up the mountains in agile and swift actions , they were