Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 563

Journey to the West
Yew Chung International School ( Primary ), Xing , Willy Chen - 11

The sky above Eastburg was full of dark , billowing clouds . The wind moaned and thrashed against the trees . It was a cold and wet morning , with a brisk wind sweeping rain across the island .

“ We have to abandon the island ,” King Augburt announced in the Grand Hall of the Royal Palace . “ Skymonsters are attacking the island every night . Almost a quarter of our population was either killed or held hostage by the monsters . We are no match for them . If we ignore this situation , the Skymonsters will wipe all of us out in no time .”
Within days , the island of Eastburg had turned from a wonderland of gorgeousness into a world of rubble and heartbroken people .
“ I appreciate your urge to get everyone to safety , but where could we go to , your majesty ? ” asked Blake , the king ’ s royal advisor . “ The land beyond is unknown to us .”
“ That ’ s the point ,” said the king . “ Centuries ago , our ancestors settled on the island of Eastburg , and we have not explored beyond it ever since . But where have our first ancestors came from before they settled on the island ? It ’ s time to be brave , courage is the only way to solve such problems . I ’ d rather die trying to protect than get killed along with my people .” The king unscrolled a map , revealing an archipelago of islands . “ This map was found under the ruins of the old palace . This island right here , that ’ s Eastburg .” the
King pointed to a microscopic island . “ Eastburg is not the entire world , it ’ s only a small part . There ’ s plenty beyond this island , we cannot ignore .”
The best architects on the island were gathered in Britzport , Eastburg ’ s main port city , to work on a new ship . After a week of hard work , the brand-new Eastburg Explorer sat on the waters of Britzport Harbour .
With the crowd cheering , King Augburt IV , along with some of his top officials , stepped aboard the ship . The foghorn blared , and the ship cruised westwards , vanishing into the setting sun . The quest had begun .
As the ship cruised west , the crew traveling aboard were having the time of their lives . King Augburt relaxed in his private jacuzzi as he studied the ancient map . Blake sunbathed comfortably on the deck , admiring the spectacular views .
One day , while King Augburt searched the ocean with binoculars , he spotted a picturesque island sitting elegantly on the brilliant turquoise ocean , which he was immediately attracted to . It was so charming , so enchanting and so wondrous that he couldn ’ t resist but tell Captain Dickens to steer the ship towards the island .
Once The Eastburg Explorer anchored at the shores of the island , King Augburt and his crew stepped onto the powdery white sand and began investigating the island . The men followed a path lined with exotic trees and colourful flowers . The incredible merging of colours was such a marvelous sight that the men forgot the mission . It was only when they came to the end of the path where a sign marked the entrance to a walled city , did they remember what they came to do . The sign read : Welcome to Skyrelm , the City of Skymonsters Terror-struck , King Augburt and his crew instantly dashed back the way they came , finding themselves surrounded by dozens of hideous creatures with glowing eyes , razor-sharp teeth and huge shiny wings . The men held up their hands in unison and begged for mercy . But instead , the monsters forced them into a large sack and entered the city .
The city of Skyrelm was just as inviting as the gardens beyond it . Golden sunlight spilled over the alluring hills , dotted with luxurious cave mansions and glamorous lakes . On the largest hill of the fifteen hills , sat the imposing Castle of the Kings , with its six majestic towers soaring into the heavens . The men were shocked such a delightful city belonged to such terrifying creatures . But what really surprised them was how peacefully the Skymonsters lived . Just like Eastburg , if not better , none of Skyrelm ’ s citizens showed any hostility .