Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 519

New Journeys to the West
Victoria Shanghai Academy , Sham , Valerie - 10

Oh no ! I can ’ t believe I lost my Chinese book !” Violet gasped as she ran through the hallway . She was rushing to Chinese history class when she discovered that her Chinese history book was gone . The torturing school bell was about to scream . Violet ran into the Chinese history classroom with a horrified face . “ Miss , I … …” Violet began . The Chinese history class teacher held up a book , Violet ’ s book . The teacher had just taken the Chinese book to mark .

“ Class , today we are going to do some work on the ‘ Journey to the West ’ story that I promised you that I would teach . Open your books to page 105 .” The teacher said . Violet ’ s book stared at her , waiting for her to open it . She did , and to her amazement , the book flipped to page 105 by itself . “ Wow !” Violet whispered . She touched the words on her book . It made her feel at home . Suddenly , a ray of light burst out of the book . It wrapped itself around Violet and dragged her into the book . No one noticed that Violet was gone .
Violet watched as golden words danced around her . The words transformed into trees and grass or any other natural thing it could turn into . Violet looked down and saw that she wasn ’ t looking at a white classroom floor anymore . She was looking at a grassy ground . As she looked around , Violet discovered a campsite nearby . She decided to spy on the campers . Violet crawled close to discover a group of two people , a pig and a monkey who were making notes . “ So what are we going to do now ?” the pig asked . “ I don ’ t know , Pigsy . Princess Iron Fan has gone way too far now .” the monkey , which Violet recognized as Sun Wukong from Journey to the West said . “ You should do something with your useless pig brains !” “ Surely you should know something , since you ’ re so clever !” Pigsy said angrily . “ Boys , this is not time to fight .” One of the people spoke . The other person nodded . Violet knew this was her time to speak up . “ May I offer a suggestion ?” She asked loudly so everyone in the tent could hear her .
Everybody jumped . How could a 13 year old girl sneak into a camp full of highly skilled warriors ? “ Speak , demon .” Sun Wukong said , pointing his stick at Violet . “ Or we shall attack you .” “ Keep it easy , Wukong . She ’ s just a girl !” The person said . “ Okay , okay . Fine . I ’ m Sun Wukong . The pig is Pigsy . The person over there is Sha Wujing and beside me is our master , Tang Sanzang .” Sun Wukong said . “ Now what ’ s your brilliant idea ?” “ I ’ ll explain on the way , but first , we have to get moving . And grab as many sticks as you can on the way . We ’ re taking the forest path .” Violet declared firmly .
The little quintet journeyed through the forest , picking sticks and listening to Violet at the same time . “ So we all know that Princess Iron Fan has magical water abilities , right ?” Violet asked . The others nodded . “ So we need to pick sticks to make fire . Fire is an opponent of water , so we can outsmart Princess Iron Fan once and for all . Then we just need to talk it out .” “ So all we needed to do was to just talk it out , so we didn ’ t need to fight ?” Sun Wukong asked . Tang Sanzang shot Sun Wukong a look that meant , “ I told you so !” The group soon reached Princess Iron Fan ’ s cave . “ So when I do the signal , you guys all pop out with your sticks , okay ?” Violet whispered . The others nodded again . Violet knocked thrice on the princess ’ metal door . The doors opened . “ Hello ? I ’ m here for a science project !” Violet shouted . A tall thin lady walked out of the door . “ Welcome to my cave . What is it that you seek ?” Princess Iron Fan asked in a high , cold voice . Violet counted to 3 before revealing her big surprise . When the gang popped out , they all shouted , “ Surprise !”
Everyone rubbed their sticks together and made a massive fire . The fire knocked Princess Iron Fan to the ground . “ And now , let ’ s talk it out .” Violet said . Princess Iron Fan gave up , and said , “ As a young child , I was kidnapped by an evil buddha who took my magic . I have searched for power for centuries , so I started wreaking havoc on magical beings . I have never made a friend since because nobody liked me .” “ My mother always said that friendship is the best magic . So maybe if you make friends with us , then you can have your magic back .” Violet explained . Princess Iron Fan was grateful for Violet , so she hugged her and apologize to the gang for causing them so much trouble .