Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 501

New Journeys to the West
The Independent Schools Foundation Academy , Chan , Sophie - 9

Good morning , and welcome to TTB News . The pollution storm Magnus ’ death toll has reached over three million in Asia Pacific today . Amber Warning has hoisted for Pollution Storm Macon ” The newsreader said . “ A high level of pollution is expected , please put on protective masks at around noon , and also at sunset . Some heavy acid rain will move in at 11am , 2pm , and 6pm . Please do not venture outdoors at that time . Yesterday , the world leaders approved the “ New Journeys to The West ” galaxy mission , and the travelers will be departing earth next week , on January 3rd 2099 . Good luck , and thanks for watching .”

Maia turned the TV off . She already knew about the mission . A letter from the government came yesterday , and she was chosen to be on the spaceship . It was about going to a new planet somewhere in space to start fresh . If all went well , they would send a message to Earth , and the rest of humanity will come . She had conflicting feelings . She was reluctant to go , because of her mother ’ s illness . On the other hand , she knew if she went , she and her mother would have free food . It was a once in a lifetime chance . Only a handful was chosen , and Maia knew she was very lucky . Maia felt the storm raging in her head , and decided to sleep on it . Hopefully her mind will be clearer .
A week later , the doorbell rang . Maia opened the door to see a government official standing there . He wrinkled his nose at the grime covered floor , the sofa with springs popping out , and Maia ’ s dirty clothes . Maia knew he was there to pick her up , and in that split second , she decided . Maia followed the government official out the door .
When the spaceship took off , Maia was amazed at how gracefully the spaceship lifted into space . “ Magical , isn ’ t it ?” a voice next to her said . Maia saw her friend Albert sitting next to her , and she hugged him . He hugged her back , but before they could say anything a man walked up to them . “ Hello children ,” he greeted them . “ I ’ m Captain Timothy , captain of this ship . Let me tell you about this ship , just in case you need to learn how to navigate it . It ’ s a Bertha 2.0 , and capable of travelling 10 light-years everyday . We already traveled 5 light-years . I made it stationary so I can talk to you . Well , enjoy your trip !” He smiled at them , then walked away .
Maia saw a meteor flying through space . She tugged on Albert ’ s sleeve . “ Look !” Too late , he turned , and the meteor was gone . Suddenly , turbulence rocked the ship , Maia and Albert rushed to the window . They could barely see the meteor , but they could guess what was going on . “ What do we do ?” Maia cried . Albert looked more intently out of the window . His expression turned into one of fear . “ What ?” Maia asked . Albert let out a gasp . Maia went to look for herself , she too , stumbled back , and let out a croak of fear . A shimmering path led the way to the new planet , and since they were at the front , they should see the path , but the shimmering path was gone . By evening , the whole ship knew about being driven off course . People were panicking , but they more or less calmed down after a few days . They had food and water , and that was all that mattered .
Weeks passed by , and nothing interesting happened , and Maia explored the ship to her heart ’ s content . She found a library with shelves that grew higher than she could tilt her head back . She found a room full of the different constellations . She often went in there to with astronomy books to study the cosmos . When she wasn ’ t exploring , she was observing the stars . One time she witnessed the birth of a star . It stunned her , and it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw . She saw planets covered in sleet and snow ; she saw planets shooting geysers of fire and flowing lava rivers . She learned from everything .
All was peaceful until Maia stepped into the cockpit , to ask Captain Timothy a question , when she saw him flailing about in his seat . “ Albert !” She called . Albert hurried into the cockpit , looked Captain Timothy over , then said “ He ’ s having a seizure . Someone will need to navigate instead of him .” “ I ’ ll do it .” Maia ``said confidently . “ I studied the stars in the library . I ’ m best suited to do it .” Albert nodded approvingly , and handed her a slip of paper . “ This was in his hand .” Maia looked at it , and on it was the words : Go to star Alpha Westa . Underneath were Constellations they needed to follow . Maia gently moved Captain Timothy out of the way , then sat in his seat . Slowly , but confidently , she steered the ship in the way she thought was right , her only guide being the endless cosmos .