Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 5

The Fliparanzees Bradbury School, Edwards, Annie - 7 I n a faraway land, lived some strange birds. They were called the Fliparanzees. The Fliparanzees were called fliparanzees because they flip. But one couldn’t even do a cartwheel. He just got his head stuck in a bucket. His name was Chip. He was mocked and laughed at. He listened to the squawks of the other birds until he couldn’t bear it. One day he decided to leave the tribe. As Chip was crossing the Savannah, he found Elephant. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Chip explained. “We‘d better go and see Giraffe.” Giraffe mumbled, “Dear Ellie, what brings you here?” The two explained. “We’d better go and see Crocodile,” said the giraffe. They padded to the river and there lay Crocodile basking in the sun. “Go away!” he snapped. They kept on travelling until they found a lion. So they explained their problem. “Hmm,” thought the lion. Suddenly a little spark appeared in his eye and he started dancing around like a firework. “What is it sir?” said the elephant quickly. “Well, there’s always the circus,” he said thoughtfully. The lion talked to him about what a circus was and how to get there. “Let’s go!” he cried. They set off down the dusty lane.. “How much longer?” groaned the giraffe. “There it is!” said Chip joyfully. “This is disgraceful!” muttered the Crocodile. “What I think we should do,” he continued more loudly, “is throw a bomb on the big tent!” “No!” said Chip. Crocodile sulked silently. Elephant’s jaw dropped. A circus performer stopped in her tracks and swept her gaze over the animals. Up the hill Chip said “there we are, somebody’s noticed us.” He skipped down the hill and fell into a puddle of foggy rainwater. The acrobat sneakily slipped to the front of the line to talk to the ringmaster who called the security. “Chase these animals away!” he shouted. The animals could hear what was going on. “They’re not so nice,” thought Chip.. “RUN!”, screeched Chip. They hid behind the undergrowth. “We can’t stay here or they’ll find us,” said Giraffe.