Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 438

A Journey West Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS), Pujar, Rajat - 12 I t was a cold winter day in Beijing. The date was 19th December 1987 when Tangsheng Xian decided to go to India to learn the way of the Buddha and become a monk. He informed his family about his desire, as they were gathered over dinner. After listening, the family was happy except for his great-grandfather. Tangsheng started his journey west on foot, on the 20th December 1987 for Nalanda Temple, in Bihar, India. The date was 22nd December 1987; it has been 3 days since he left home. He walked through the slippery paths and rough roads; barely resting or eating as he was eager to reach Nalanda. Tangsheng was so tired due to the lack of sleep and food that he decided to have some rest near a famous mountain called the Buddha's Fist (Duh, Dhu, and Dhu!). He was preparing to sleep under a big tree when he heard a strange screaming. He looked in the direction of the scream and called out by raising his voice, “Who is it?” Then the voice spoke to him in a scary but low voice, “Hey, who is there! Help Me! Can you pull me out?” He tried hard to find the voice, and he found a big monkey man who was stuck between two branches of a tree beneath the Buddha's fist. Tangsheng was surprised but scared when he saw the strange animal who looked like a mixture of monkey and human. He recalled his great grandfather's story of the Monkey King of China and put his efforts to rescue the monkey man from the branches of the tree. After rescuing the man, Tangsheng asked, “How did you get stuck up there?” The monkey man told me his story. I am Sun Wu Kong. I am born in Yantai's Monkey Kingdom. I am a born fighter as people of the kingdom call me. After 10 years of hard work, concentration and practicing, I became one of the strongest monkeys in my batch. The citizens of monkey kingdom wanted me to be their future king, but the king refused. If I am capable of becoming the King, he said, fight me using the warrior weapon which is secured with the Dragon King in his under water kingdom. The Monkey King gave me two weeks to prepare for the fight and to get the weapon from Dragon King. I went to the Dragon Kingdom to request for the weapon. On the way, I met a strange animal with the body of a tortoise and head of a snake. It helped me to find my way to the Dragon Kingdom. I expressed my gratitude to the tortoise snake for his help, and for bringing me to the Dragon King. The Dragon King did not consider my request, but insulted me. He told me I am incapable of holding the warrior weapon as it can only be held by hands that are strong to save people and living things on earth. He also said I need to prove my ability by lifting the pillars of his castle. I accepted and completed the challenge set by the Dragon King. The king was satisfied with my ability and gave me the warrior weapon and Ruyi Jing Bang. I thanked to the Dragon King for his courtesy and prepared myself to fight with Monkey King. On my way back, I received a shocking message from my brother, Hanuman. The message was that the Monkey King died and my kingdom chose me as their new king.