Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 433

New Journeys to the West
Shanghai Singapore International School , Clavar , Jie Emma- 10
Chloe was a teenager , kind and intelligent . She had a pet dog named Brownie and a horse named Ella . She liked to go on new adventures and loved to discover new things every day . She liked to play with her friends and her pets as well as helping them when they had problems . When she was bored and had nothing to do , she liked to train herself to hit bull ’ s eye on the archery board , or ride her horse through the woods and jungles to visit her master , who taught her new things and trained her strength , bravery , kindness and things that princesses do , even though she was not one .
After a year of training , she became talented and famous around the village . Many people liked her not only because she was talented but also because she was trained really well . She was brilliant , elegant and had wonderful archery skills . Every day , Chloe became even more famous than the day before , and the king heard more about her every day .
One afternoon , Chloe was having lunch when she heard some sounds coming from her horse , Ella . Ella was hungry so Chloe fed Ella some hay .
The next day , when some villagers where picking the sweetest apples , one of the villager became stuck on the tree . Everyone panicked and did not know who to call upon for help . “ STOP !” Everyone stopped chattering . One of the villagers said , “ Let ’ s call Chloe !” All the villagers agreed instinctively . When Chloe arrived , she saw the villager who was stuck on the tree . “ Grab my hand .” The villager was too scared to agree but still did as Chloe had suggested . When Chloe and the villager came down the tree , everyone was very happy and gave Chloe a big cheer ! Now , when villagers passed by Chloe ’ s house , they will always leave some presents in front of her house to show their appreciation for helping the villager to safety .
One day , when she arrived at her master ’ s place on her horse with her dog in her bag , she saw her master smiling and holding a piece of paper . It was an invitation .
Dear Chloe and your master ,
I hope you are reading this because this is an invitation for you to visit the palace and have some fun ! However , you need to go through many different obstacles to get to my castle . You won ’ t be alone because there will be some friends to help you .
From the King of the West Kingdom
Chloe thought for a while , not knowing if she wanted to accept the invitation . Her master wanted her to go and all the villagers also agreed that Chloe and her pets could go with her mater to the Kingdom of the West .
Chloe agreed . They packed lots of food , many potions , lots of dog food and doggy treats , a load of hay , some clothes , lots of water to drink , tents , beds , some ender eyes , some bows and arrows , all in a bag big enough to hold all the stuff and set off .
On their way , Brownie smelled something . She went closer to the bushes . The bushes were moving and suddenly , something popped out of the bushes ! It was another dog ! Chloe saw a collar on the dog and found out that the dog was called Harley . She put her into her bag together with Brownie .
They went closer and closer to the West Kingdom and crossed many traps , deserts , jungles , forests , seas , oceans and mountains and discovered new creatures .
They came to Ever Bridge . The bridge had many traps and sometimes when you take your first step on the bridge , you might fall into the lava below . When Chloe , Ella , Brownie , Harley and her master stood on the bridge , it started to shake . Some pieces of the wooden bridge started to fall . When Chloe looked back , she found that the bridge was falling apart ! She told everyone to run as fast as they could and protect themselves from danger .