Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 415

New Tales of Journeys to the West
Quarry Bay School , Wong , Jeremiah - 8
Part 1 : The Forbidden Island In the summer things got hot . Especially in the forbidden island . It got up to 50 degrees even and possibly hotter . The ruler of the forbidden island got angry and asked people their favourite element . The people who chose fire were banished into the future where there was nothing . No air so they couldn ’ t breathe . Couldn ’ t survive . But it wasn ’ t their fault . The ruler sent out his best agent to get the crystal that could put all temperatures to exactly 17.5 degrees . They called him , C-x1 .
Part 2 : The Vile Jungle C-x1 set off on his mission to get the crystal when he found a forest that has an extreme amount of dangerous wildlife . He got out his weapon , a long-distance triple gun and put his thumb on the trigger ready to shoot . He entered the forest and heard a voice . Who are you ? It asked . “ I am C-x1 ” he replied . What do you desire ? Asked the voice . “ The adjusting crystal ,” replied C-x1 . I will give you a puzzle . The voice replied as 12 magic orbs appeared in the sky . One of these orbs will get you to the crystal . The others lead to danger . I will give you a hint : you will be fine , the crystal is in , light colour 9 . C-x1 picked an orb then vanished . 1.75 seconds later he reappeared in the desert . He picked the wrong orb .
Part 3 : The Stormy Desert C-x1 noticed his triple gun was melting in the ludicrous temperature of 72 degrees in the desert , dropping to -60 at night . Just as a sandstorm started he found a shadow gradually turning into an old man . “ I can get you shelter ” he told C-x1 . He took out an orb and they time travelled into the old man ’ s home . “ Why is it such a good temperature ?” asked C-x1 . “ I will show you ,” muttered the old man nervously . He took out a chest and inside it was nothing more than the adjusting crystal . Will C-x1 steal it ? Will he let the old man keep it ?
Part 4 : The Evil Castle C-x1 knew he had to report this to the ruler of the southern hemisphere . And fast . He checked his map for orb foundations . The closest was coordinate H17 . C-x1 was on K21 . He set off . 6 hours 49 minutes later he found someone . He took out a sword and grumbled , “ if you defeat me I will give you an orb ”. “ If I defeat you your organs will melt in lava .” C-x1 accepted the challenge and body slammed him 38 times . He was given an orb and vanished . 2.12 seconds later he appeared in an evil castle . Will he get back to the forbidden island successfully ?
Part 5 : Battle With The King C-x1 entered the castle and found a map . It said there was an orb at the top of the castle . Coordinate M13 . As he started going up the stairs loads of guards ran down . He jumped over them and they all lost balance and fell down the stairs . C-x1 kept going up when a boulder of guards that filled up the stairs bolted down . He punched holes in the boulder and somersaulted through . When he got to the top he was standing in front of the king who took out his gold titanium swords and attacked . With no weapon C-x1 was vulnerable but still deadly and did a jump slam right in the king ’ s ugly face , knocking one of the swords out of his hand . Grabbing the sword , C-x1 used it to cut the king open . He held the orb and appeared in a forest . The one where he started his journey .
Part 6 : Getting Back C-x1 walked slowly through the jungle when an explosion destroyed all the wildlife . C-x1 knew about the voice and asked , “ where did that come from ? And why didn ’ t it affect me ?” The voice answered . Because of all the orbs you travelled with you have unlocked the orb protection sequence . It will explode every time something threatens to attack you . “ How does it know when something is going to attack you ?” asked C- x1 . That is still kept a mystery , but it will eventually be found out . It also means you can travel anywhere without orbs to get you around places quicker . C-x1 immediately knew what he had to do .