Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 411

Journey To The West
Quarry Bay School , Srivastava , Paarth - 9


ong time ago in the valleys of China at the very end was a dangerous group of monsters . This valley is so steep that if you get stuck inside you will never be able to come back up . The walls were all slimy as it dripped down the walls and you could hear the birds shouting everywhere . These monsters have jet black fur , purple beady eyes and teeth sharper than a knife !
Though one person called Sun Wukong would always come down here and trouble them . The monsters had one enemy , Sun WuKong ! But fortunately for them Sun Wukong got banished into a mountain for teasing Buddha and died in the mountain . That ' s what they thought though because Sun Wu kong has never made a noise inside the mountain for a long time . The mountain was very big and had snow had been falling there almost constantly . You could hear the cold breeze rustling the bushes and could hear the silence of the cave . Sun Wukong was banished in cave not so far from the summit of the mountain . The cave was very dark and Sun Wukong barely could see . He was only aloud to come out for food and water but that was it .
Sun Wukong was king of the monkeys and would always try to get things which will make him more powerful . He was probably the the most annoying thing there was on Earth !
………………………………………………………………… But in the steep valleys of China where Sun Wukong was vanished in , a monk named Xuanzang came along . He was set on a task by the gods to collect the holy scripts from India , to create buddhism in China . But as he went towards the top ready for the climb down he ran straight into a rock , he found an entrance and went inside . He slowly creeped in but from nowhere a beast jumped out ! Sun Wukong is alive ! Xuanzang tells Sun Wukong about the mission and Sun Wu Kong was ready for action .
Not far from the bottom of the grey rocky mountain more wild creatures who were really weird came out as flexible as a ninja ! It was Sun Wukong ' s teammates who he used to fight the monsters with , Zhu Ba Jie and Tang Sanzang . The reunion happened shortly and the three of them set out to find the holy scripts .
The went past many deserts , lakes , mountains for days and months until all of a sudden a deep and dangerous , bumpy and risky alley came into their sight . This alley was very familiar to Sun Wukong , Zhu Bajie , and tang SanZang , it was the ferocious monster alley !
………………………………………………………………………………….... “ Let ’ s go and bother these monsters like we have never done before !” Asked Sun Wukong , like if he had never tried to touch a monster before . “ Agreed !” Cried Zhu Ba Jie , “ Come on Xuanzang ” Asked Zhu Ba Jie very excitedly . He hesitated , he had never been asked to do this but he has to because there are all against him . He shrugged one last time and finally said very tonelessly “ Fine , let ’ s go ”
Down they went through the crumbly rocks , Sun Wukong , Tang SanZang and Zhu Ba Jie could not help talking to one another ! Now they were gently walking and not making a noise . But they did not notice Xuanzang sitting on a rock waiting for them to return .
The monsters fought their way through the cave and out when they saw something heading right to them , like three shooting stars as noisy as a crowd shoot right at them . There they were , Sun Wukong , Zhu Ba Jie and Tang San Zhang fighting and annoying all the monsters as much as possible . It was horrific for the monsters but an exciting time for the three mischievous warriors ! They gladly teased and annoyed the monsters as Sun WuKong was happily stealing all their powerful weapons that have defeated him before .
But as they looked back they saw Xuanzang there very annoyed with them . They froze , but that was careless of them because the monsters were taking revenge ! When they came out the were bruised everywhere you could see . Xuanzang was very mad !