Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 40

Dreaming Adventures with Magic Things Shanghai Community International School, Nuno, Ali - 7 O nce upon a time there was a girl called Nany. She was playing in the playground at her house. It was a very hot day, and she got very tired so she went inside to rest and she felt deeply sleep. Once upon a time there was a rabbit that could not stop talking. But when he saw a rainbow, the rabbit just stopped talking! All the rabbit friends got impressed. Then a little mouse said: you can go up until the top of the rainbow and cross to the other side, then the rabbit climbed but the rainbow started turning in a zigzag shape. The rabbit said: I cannot! The little mouse said: look! I will show you how. Then the little mouse went up and said: Woohoo!! Woohoo!! This is so fun!! All of the rabbit friends also tried, only the rabbit could not go. He was so sad. The little mouse said to him: why don’t you try again? And he replies: but I am too heavy. But the mouse insisted: you can try again. This time the rabbit went up the rainbow super high but he flipped and bumped his head with the ground. His friends called the doctor and took him to the hospital. There, the doctor gave him a shot and he felt deeply sleep... Once upon a time there was a mama bird, a papa bird and a very cute small bird. They lived in a very cozy nest. Every day the papa bird used to go out and fly to feel the fresh air on his feathers and have a look to see what was happening around the nest. The mama bird every day went out to get some food to bring it back to the nest. While the mommy and daddy bird were not at home the little one used to stay at the nest just waiting. But one day the little bird grew up! One morning he got bored so he decides to go out to his neighbors home to play for a while. When the parent birds came back they got scared because Luiz, their son was not there. Lately they remember that Luiz likes to play with the neighbour, so they went to look for him and they find Luiz as they imagine. Altogether came back home to eat and talk about what everyone did that day. Papa bird liked to talk about what he have seen flying free throw the air. They all enjoyed and had fun talking! As soon as they finished eating and listening papa bird story the three birds went to sleep, it was dark outside and they needed to rest to have energy so they can fly free throw the sky, get some food for the family and have fun playing with friends. The next morning the three birds were so tired that couldn’t wake up. So they keep on sleeping... When the rabbit woke up he was still feeling bad so he went back to sleep to feel better... Then, Nany woke up wondering if all that was true, then she realized that rabbits, mice and birds cannot talk, so Nany said to herself: that was actually not true, that was only a dream!!