Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 391

Steam billowed from the pot as she added a silver, metallic liquid. The substance glittered in her vial before it went in. WuKong glared at her. His eyes bored into her petite, demure figure. However, the girl seemed not to notice. WuKong's eyes pierced her as he drew a blade, it's metallic sheen blazing in the sunset. She was so innocent. The demon who possessed her, however, was not. The demon was going to poison them. With a flash of light, WuKong was at her side, blade pressed into her neck. This left a trail of scarlet along the blade's edge, looking sinister, the promise of something more, something even deadlier. WuKong pressed harder. The girl screamed, her shrieks piercing the air like shards of glass as blood pooled out of her veins. Her brown skirt flew as she fell to the floor. "How could you?" XuanZhang cried. WuKong shushed him, telling him to wait. A stormy grey demon flew out. It grinned maliciously, it's teeth dripping with scarlet that TangZhang hoped wasn't blood. It then soared away. It was gone in a flash, as if it had stopped time and gone away before they could slay it. Soon, all that was left was a body framed with brown hair, a brown skirt and a shirt soaked in blood. *** "Where are you, dear daughter?!"A worried voice only a mother could possess cried in pain. Her face was contorted in misery, frustrated tears prickling at the crinkled corners of her eyes. "Where is she?!" She continued her search down the muddy brown brick road, wobbling with each step. Once again, WuKong strode up to her. With a flash of the blade, before she even could see it, her body lay on the stone cold bricks, her skirts fanned out across the pavement. Her eyes were glassy with tears as she stared into nothingness, into oblivion. The same spirit flew out, this time stained with black and rubescent blood. XuanZhang marched forward, slaying the spirit with his magical sword. It let out a guttural scream, shrieks piercing the air like daggers, dark smoke dissipating into the cool night air. "I wish we could've done this without killing them." WuKong sighed. Hordes of villagers thanked them. Apparently the girl had been acting weird for a month already. "She kept asking whether a friar, monk, monkey and pig were here. Odd." One had stated. They had survived the White Bone Demon.