Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 385

A Journey To The West Peak School, Chen, Dylan - 9 O nce upon a time, there was a monk called Xuanzang who traveled with four other companions. They were known as: Sun Wukong, the monkey king; the white dragon horse, Xuanzang's trusty steed; Zhu Bajie, an ex-commander of 80,000 heavenly navy soldiers; and Sha Wujing, an ex-general in heaven. They were all going on a journey. The travelers were exhausted, for all of them had taken part in killing a fierce wind demon. Sun Wukong occasionally chatted about him beating the demon by himself. Zhu Bajie was grumbling so Sun Wukong asked “Hey Piggy! Mind telling me about your stupid rake???” Let’s just say that the pig lost his temper and it was like calm sky turning into a ferocious storm! Both of them had to be pried apart by Sha Wujing who was looking very flustered about their sudden fight. All of a sudden, Sha Wujing shouted, “Look out!!!” Just before a scorpion tail swiped him underground, he shouted to the others. “Go!! Run I’ll find a way out!!!” That night it was very quiet, too quiet in everyone’s opinion. Sun Wukong was starting to get bored so he babbled on about how smart and cunning he was. Suddenly, just as that scorpion tail had swept Sha Wujing away, a glistening white hand appeared and snatched the white dragon horse. Like a sudden fog coming down, no one could see what was happening. Zhu Bajie moaned, “Two of our friends gone! How are we going to move on?” Xuanzang asked Sun Wukong “Wukong how are you feeling? You look quite pale.” Indeed Sun Wukong was worried that he was going to be the next victim of this evil, but soon after some thought, he guessed who the culprit trying to seperate them might be. “Aha! We need to go to the Demon King of Confusions palace.” Just as they started walking, Sun Wukong whistled and four strong monkeys bounded towards them with handfuls of ripe juicy fruits. They gave them to Sun Wukong and raced back into the trees. So now, our heroes bags were full of fruit and they walked as fast as they could towards the Demon King’s palace - or should we say fortress . The Demon King was waiting and slowly cackled, showing glistening yellow teeth. Our heroes were brandishing their weapons at the King and then suddenly the walls of the palace shook like fury and from out of the mist before their eyes appeared the white dragon horse and Sha Wujing, looking quite flustered sitting on a giant scorpion! The scorpion stung the fiendish Demon King. The friends set off across a great gorge, and there on the other side stood India. Everyone gasped in awe, as Sha Wujing pranced with the white dragon horse, and Zhu Bajie even danced with Sha Wukong upon the fields full of life, while Xuanzang looked on with great amusement. All was well now. And so we shall leave our heroes on this quest. But, dear reader, grab a quill and scroll, pack your bags, and off we go to new valleys and faraway places. Be sure to keep up!