Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 358

A New Monkey King Tale
Kowloon Junior School , Sun , Rosie - 9
They say the day the thirtieth century arrived , the dragons did too . Dragon after dragon soared across the skies . Most of them had never even touched land before . They lived on clouds and regarded people to be dangerous , like the Skeleton Monster that all of them feared . She had transformed one dragon into a white horse , and now they lived in panic of the humans who looked so much like her . The creatures had beautiful crystal bodies lined with mirror- like scales which streaked through the sky like a flying angel . Their eyes were almond- colored , and their wings were exactly as long as their bodies . The tips were lined with gold , and their tails were nine pieces of green very much like a cat o ’ nine tails , just on a larger scale . Each dragon had teeth as long and sharp as swords , and there were lava sparks flying out of their mouths , which could breathe fire at will . The little dragons flew with their parents . One dragon mother even cradled an egg in her front legs .
Only one person even dared to look up and see the dragons soaring across the sky , and it was the very person who had been the transformed dragon . It had been very long since he ’ d seen his comrades , and seeing them so majestic and beautiful made him long of adventure again . It just happened that the five of the adventurers ( some animals , some not ), held a reunion of a sort in Xian every year . That year , this very Dragon- man here was ( already ) bored of his life . That year , he shared his plan- to journey again to Nalanda , to see the world again by modern means . He ’ d already seen people flying in white things with windows and steam flying out of their sides , which was very strange to him . After all , dragons could fly , and they didn ’ t have steam coming out of their wings , except maybe smoke from the fireballs they threw . “ They call it an airplane , I think . And there ’ s this thing that folds in half easily , is gray and has a transforming screen with seventy- eight keys which has something called electronic booking on it . Apparently , you get a plane ticket and you get the plane . If I can just get at it …”
However , they did soon realize that plane tickets cost a lot of money . It was about four thousand for one person , and twenty thousand for five people . Monkey King and Pig couldn ’ t hold their human transformations for long , either , due to lack of practice ( they rarely went outside ). “ You ’ re just going to have to be animals on the plane ,” Dragon responded . “ So that means that you can ’ t be walking on hind legs , or wearing any clothes . And that staff- I can hold it . If anything goes awry , we can fight back . Or I can just fly along with my fellow dragons and follow the plane too . I need to catch up with the news , and flying is ever so fun .” “ I think maybe I ’ ll ride along on your back . Monkey King can just hurry up and jump it , the rest of you can just take the flight to India …”
The next flight was due next week on Thursday . Preparations were desperately made , quicker as the date advanced in number . Monkey King went outside and jumped over , leaving the staff with Pig . Shazheng quickly hopped on Dragon ’ s back and took off , trying to get to the pack of dragons and wait for the plane at the same time . The tickets had used up every cent of their money , and they were hoping that the hostesses weren ’ t asking for tips . Pig mentioned something about bonking them on the head with the staff , but then Xuanzhang pointed out that the staff was probably trouble enough already to get past the metal detectorthe police might be on the plane . “ We ’ ll just give them some bonks too ,” Pig had responded haughtily . They got the staff past the metal detector by shutting down the machine ( Xuanzhang pulled the lever , and quickly brought the staff and the caged Pig through .) After putting Pig in the animal section , the hostess brought him a free glass of warm water . If life was this easy , Xuanzhang was prepared for the rest . The meals were for free , too , and he asked for a glass of Tsingtao beer before settling down , and the plane let the passengers disembark . Xuanzhang got Pig back , and hopped in a free taxi that ate away the last few dollars in his pocket that he ’ d managed to slip away .
“ Nalanda University ,” Pig said . “ Mighty fine place for a person , but not a place for a pig . Can you at least get me out of this cage ?”