Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 320

The New Journey to the West Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Secondary and Primary School, Liu, Zoe -9 5 00 years ago, there were 4 heroes. The 4 heroes saved us from the black ghost demon. The heroes are Monkey King, Pigsy, Sandy and Tripitaka. The black ghost demon has black skin with red bright glowing eyes that shines supper bright at dark place. The black ghost demon really wants to drink Tripitaka’s juicy special blood. If they drink his blood the demons will be very strong, healthy, powerful and can turn in to animals or human. They started their journey and walk for 50 miles. They went up and down the hills. “I am tired of walking. Master please please can we take a rest? We can start our journey tommoro master.’’Pigsy said with a sad voice. Tripitaka agree to camp out tonight and continue our journey tommoro. Everyone was so happy relaxing, Pigsy was very lazy and fell asleep. Monkey King set the camp fire. Then the black ghost demon use his sparkly glob and saw the 4 of them relaxing. The demon wanted to trick Tripitaka to come to the cage to trap him. A not too powerful young ghost went in to a little boy’s body to be him and think of a great plan to trick Tripitaka. The plan was to trick him to come to the cage is to be a little boy that is lost. When Tripitaka saw the little boy he wants to help. But Monkey King sensed that it was an evil demon drilling because of Tripitaks’ juicy blood. Tripitaka thinks Monkey King was lying but suddenly, the demon came out and the child did not know what happen that is why there is a demon in there. Everyone was so scared because Tripitaka was almost been caught. The next day was a wonderful day. They start their journey and saw a pond with fresh and clean water. The demon king was so mad so he sent a better demon to catch Tripitaka. The demons plan is to be an old man that was hurt with pain that needs help. When Tripitaka saw the poor old man he wants to be nice and help. Monkey King sensde that it’s another demon also drilling because of Tripitaka’s juicy blood again. Tripitaka was not sure is it a demon? The demon was so scared and the demon flew back to the deep dark demon cave. The original old man did not know what happened and went away. The demon king was mad and found the smartest demon in the whole demon world. The next day, Monkey King woke up and picked some juicy and fresh fruits up high on the tree. The demon king searched for the best demon for a whole night, but finally he found the best demon. First he put on a coat that makes Monkey King couldn’t sense that it was a demon. The demon took Tripitaka and the demon’s best friend to take them somewhere far from the demon cave. The demon trapped Tripitaka and ate him for dinner. Then Pigsy was thinking where Tripitaka was. Monkey King sensed that he was in danger at the demon cave. They all arrived and saw Tripitaka trapped in the cage but lots of demon was guarding the cage. Sandy had a plan, he got 2 bottles from his pocket and Monkey King to free Tripitaka. Monkey King said to all demons “there was only one Tripitaka and lots of demons maybe one of u will finish all the blood from Tripitaka.’’ They started to argue and Monkey King set him free. Sandy and Pigsy used the bottle and all the demons twirled into the bottles. That’s the story of the four great heroes.