Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 276

The Journey to the Weest Harrow International School Hong Kong, Hancock, Jackson - 10 I n an ordinary country there was an ordinary state and in that state there was an ordinary place called New York City. All boys and girls were getting their school bags ready to go to school, putting their books in their bags. Then out of nowhere, there was a quiet hiss that sounded like a frying egg, but then a loud rumble. Suddenly, lava started pouring down onto buildings, melting them like butter on a pan. People started to scream with fear of being obliterated by the lava, which was now paving a deadly path across the no longer ordinary, New York City. Little did the people that this was no ordinary volcanic eruption, this was the birth of a not so ordinary monkey. This special little monkey was catapulted out of the volcano with fiery lava gushing down his back. The burning sting never came to him, it seem as though he was indestructible.The molten rock was sending him on his was to Rarotonga. Not every monkey from this spectacular island was born this way, but this monkey was destined for great things, but he didn’t know that yet. The monkey opened his eyes in shock, and he was falling. His perception of time distorted, everything slowed down until there was nothing, only him and the sky above that seemed to swallow him whole. His hand reached out, kissing the sky, grasping the endless crevasse of blue. Everything was a blur, a blur that swirled out of existence. Suspended in the air, he closed his eyes and surrendered himself into the infinite sky above. As he hit the ground, endless pain erupted in his feet rapidly spreading across his body. He lay there exhausted, unable to move. In out in out went his pained breath, those raspy breaths might be his last. Wanting to die then and there, wanting to end all the pain and suffering. Looking around, surveying his surroundings and knowing survival was his only option. The beach's water deflected the sun's great glare into Monkey’s eyes and he was forced to look away, towards the overgrown jungle of vines, trees and darkness. The trees made a canopy, hiding what lies beneath. There was no sound of insects, birds or reptiles, no call of a human voice, only the steady rhythmic lapping of the sea. The sound of the sea made him shiver with fear for what could be lying in the jungle. The heat of the sun pounded down on him as he gathered up his courage and followed his stomach to the possibility of food. With difficulty he staggered up, eyes on the mysterious green jungle. For every step there was an unbearable pain that flooded through his already injured body. As he walked through the jungle, his courage was raised by the light which streamed through the canopy, shining on the beauties of the jungle. Monkey stopped to smell the now attractive flowers and examine things which he never thought existed. He stopped himself from getting distracted and concentrated on his goal at hand, food. He made his way through the jungle, cutting down vines and leaves in his way trying to find anything to soothe his desperate hunger. “Right foot, left foot…” The monkey softly muttered under his wheezed breath as he lumbered his large, tired body through the jungle. Frantically searching around for anything edible. Suddenly his eyes turned in fear towards a squawking sound above, but it was just a beautiful bold beast soaring through the never ending blue of the sky. Monkey was amazed, what was this exotic creature? Where was he? Monkey still had so many questions.