Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 274

It took a while before Olive realized what she was looking at. Her loud screech filled up the huge cave. Echo, echo, echo. No blood? The hand had a shiny lining of metal on the inside. There was a ring on the hand’s ring finger. A familiar tone, a familiar shape. Her mom’s. Tears spilled out of her eyes and croaky sobs came out of her mouth without her permission. “Why would they do this to you…” she quivered. It all made sense now. Her mother had been disassembled by the military. “They lied to me,” she cried. Olive gathered the nerve to search for the missing pieces of her mother. Memories lay in each and every one of them. After a while of being guided by only a flashlight, she had found all of the pieces and placed them together as if they would break if she wasn’t careful enough. The nearly finished product looked exactly like her mother. But there was something missing. Behind her mom’s right arm there was an empty place, something that looked exactly like a Yang from the Yin and Yang. After Olive slipped her Yang necklace into the empty slot, Sally Case seemed to glow. The light came back into her eyes. Yet she looked at Olive in surprise. “ Who are you?” Sally asked with a distant mechanical tone. Olive fought to keep the tears from pouring out. “I should be asking you that question,” Olive replied, “ I am two hundred and twenty underscore three hundred and thirty-four. That is all that I remember. My memory banks have been deleted.” Olive twitched with disappointment as she walked out of the cave, not looking back. She had lost her mom… if she ever truly had one.