Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 231

For days we walked aimlessly, forever we had suffered. Days after days, people who gave up life were thrown away, devoured by wild beasts roaming the area. Later on, Abayomi informed me that we were taken as slaves. How could these demons treat us like this? They destroyed our homes and left us with nothing. One afternoon, Abayomi told me something shocking," I know how to escape." Stunned, I did not look for her until night. When I found her, she grabbed me and whispered," If this doesn't work, run." As soon as she said that, she yelled at the demons on guard. Soon enough, it came stumbling towards her, then pointed the hell-stick at her. Abayomi growled and swung her chains at the white. The heavy chains crashed his head, destroying it. Abayomi picked up the stick, and shot the others; every step was getting closer to freedom every second. However, I began to feel mercy for them, that Abayomi took it too far. “Stop it!" I shouted. That was all it took. Abayomi turned around–BOOM! She fell to the ground with a demon standing behind her. That day, roaring rain clouds covered the sky, leaving my shouts unheard. 50 years later Chibuzo, a freed slave, stood on his balcony, staring at the polluted sky. Disgraceful, He thought. Years ago, Chibuzo had been a slave, but later freed because of the war. He wrote books, married and had children. But deep inside him, his heart lay next to her sister, where the sky was still blue.