Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 228

New Journeys to the West
Dulwich College Beijing , Gao , Yubo - 11

Gusts of polar wind blew across the earth . Above the ground was a blanket of pale white . It was as though a herald of ice had cursed the land . Through the eyes of the small rabble , all that could be seen was heavy snow still drifting and floating languidly . No living soul – no warmth at all – could be felt . To the assembled party making their way across the land , the arctic weather was their true enemy . Traveling through this horrendous place were four hapless beings . Their journey was to the west . “ Where on earth are we ?” questioned the largest of the four . “ I ’ m getting drained .” He paused for a second , “ And starving too , come to think of it .” “ I don ’ t know where the devil we are !” shouted one of his companions – a fellow who prided himself on usually knowing everything that there was worth knowing . So , the group walked and walked and walked until they were so exhausted that they felt they were about to vomit . Icy , heavy snowfall trickled down their clothes as their bodies collapsed to the ground . Suddenly in the sky , lightning flashed violently ! Rumbles echoed through the sky and all the figures miraculously disappeared ! Still having their eyes closed , a shadow stood in front of them and warned , " Foreigners , welcome to the West , I will give you a shortcut to find the ' Scripts of the Ancients ' but you have to protect them well and don ' t let the scripts fall into the enemy ' s hand !" Fading away , the shadow vanished . Cemented together , the party crashed down towards the earth like a meteor . First , they saw grass , then fields , then huts and finally a whole village came to their sight . From a hut , a horn screamed , waking some villagers up ( including the gang ). Stood in front of them was a golden temple . Trudging towards the building , four statues met their sight . Closest to the people were an ape - or rather a monkey - who was holding a titanic pole , grinning mischievously . To the side of the monkey statue was a friar holding a spear , but with a moonshaped blade for the point . Next in line , was a pretty large pig who was smiling at the next statue , who was a monk . Confused at whom the statues were , Iron man - a man with high tech armor - shot laser beams and the statues cracked in to four living beings . They yawned and quickly formed into battle position . Staying in position , the monkey shouted , " Finally , after a thousand years someone awakens me for a duel !" Cracking his knuckles , the monkey swung into action , slamming the pole ignited with flames onto the largest one in the group . Surprisingly , the giant felt no pain and smashed on the earth , sending spikes airborne . Jumping into the sky , the pig collided into the person dressed in a star and striped uniform , crashing his razors on to the vibranium-steel alloy shield . Raging in temper , the man threw his shield , which flew to the monk , who dodged deathly .

Out of nowhere , a figure appeared holding a giant blade . Filling the sky with pure darkness , the figure swooped into the temple . With the war raging on outside , inside the mysterious figure in the temple pulled off its hood revealing a scarred face . Surrounded by ancient artifacts , the figure muttered , “ At last , I ' m getting the final piece of the ' Script of the Ancients ' and shall open the portal to bring back the Lord of Galaxies , Megatrona ."
Still daydreaming , the warriors who were battling from outside raced in . Heart drumming furiously , Thor , a member of the Avengers warned , “ Stop right there , or we will crush you to pieces !" Captain America suddenly sprang up and threw his shield at the figure . As calm as ice , the figure raised his hand and opening a portal , which summoned an army of undead swamp beasts ! The beasts ' mouths gaped open , bearing vicious fangs still dripping with the carcasses of innumerable victims , and they pounced onto Iron man . Going in headfirst was Bajie , who was the pig , knocked beasts clean out of the way with his razor . Still in position , the hero alliance and the undead horde clashed together into battle not showing any mercy . While the beasts were keeping the hero alliance busy , the once-hooded figure crept into the inner chamber . Every step the figure took , the closer he got to the scripts .
At the end of the chamber was a chest . Creak ! The chest lid opened and inside was scroll upon scroll of scripts . Taking the whole lot , the figure closed the lid of the dull chest and raced back to the entrance . Strangely , the moonlight was blocked at the entrance but then he saw it . The hero alliance had won the battle but he and the darkness couldn ' t be completely beaten that easily .