Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 19

Antchop’s Journey to the West Kingston International School, Ho, Shu Yan - 7 A ntchop carried a big piece of breadcrumb on his back. It was two times bigger than his body. He was happy to show the queen. The queen took a little bite. It was the same boring old food. She said, “Antchop, I know you are hardworking and strong. Do you want to challenge yourself to find food that is new and special?” Antchop was a brave ant and he decided to go to the west looking for “new and special food”. There were twin ants who were weak and they were dying. Antchop gave the left breadcrumbs to save them. They had a good memory and they could help Antchop to memorize the trip. Antchop then invited them to join the journey. They walked and walked until they saw a forest full of bamboo. They saw a lot of bamboos so they called it “Bamboo-Bamboo Forest”. They walked in the middle of the forest and they saw a panda who was trapped by leaves. Antchop and friends helped him untangle from the leaves and the panda joined them. When they continued their journey, they landed in a hot desert. There were no trees and no plants. It was super hot, especially in day time and there was no water. They were thirsty to die and couldn’t walk anymore. They met a camel who was looking for water. They asked him to carry them. Antchop said, “I know where the oasis is!” He led the team going to the fertile oasis. They found some new fruits like watermelon, grapes and apricots in the oasis. When they finished eating, they used the skin and seed to build a magic chariot that could bring them anywhere. The camel helped them to cross the desert, they helped the camel to find water. They thanked each other and said goodbye. They continued their journey to the west in the chariot. At night, Antchop and friends went up to a huge sand dune which was one thousand meters high. They stood at the top and looked up at the sky. They saw the moon and thousands of twinkling stars. They heard the sand singing like a flute and even like thunder grumbling, so they called it the “Mountain Of Singing Sands”. The twins’ compound eyes could capture all the beautiful scenery and their antenna could record the music of the sand. With their good memory, they would present this little but special music for the queen. After the long journey, they were totally exhausted but they were very excited for what they had found. They rode on their chariot back to meet the queen. The queen was surprised and praised them, “You are brave, you have good teamwork, not giving up, trying your best and now you achieved your goal! Thank you for bringing new fruits to us. Not only new food, you brought also interesting experience!“ When they were having a party to celebrate, Antchop started to plan ...... another adventure!