Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 189

Three Ungrateful Idiots Diocesan Preparatory School, Lee, Kwun Yee - 11 Halfway in the journey, while Xuanzang, a monk, was sleeping beside his horse, his three protectors, Suan Wukong (Monkey), Zhu Bajie (Pig) and Sha Heshang (Friar Sand) secretly complained about their lots in life. “This is so bad! I never get enough to eat!” groaned Pig with exasperation. “Yeah! I want my freedom back!” exclaimed Friar Sand. “I’m fed up with that monk! I want to escape from him and be my own playful, free and naughty self again!” grumbled Monkey. “If so, why don’t we just escape from him?” asked Pig. They looked at each other with cunning smiles and started planning their escape. ****************************** The travellers came to a grassy plain. It was comfortable, with a nice autumn breeze blowing and an endless amount of soft grass. The monk decided to rest and sleep under a shady tree. He ordered his three protectors to search for food and water. Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand had longed for this day --- they were free now! “TIME TO GO!” Monkey got his magical cloud ready and Pig as well as Friar Sand got on the cloud. They flew far far away. While the three “escapees” were flying and chatting about what to do on their first day of freedom, Pig spotted the endless glittering Liu Sha River from the magical cloud. This river was so clear that everyone could see the colourful marine life clearly with detail. “Treasure!” Pig jumped off of the magical cloud and screamed loudly. He splashed about and dumped handfuls of water over his head. He swam and dug in the river banks to discover jewels and gold. “Gold! Jewels! I’m the richest!” “Greedy Pig, you will regret it if you slip!” Monkey warned Pig with a teasing smile. Suddenly, Pig slid on the river bank and clung on a tree branch. The others grabbed hold of him but his weight was too much for them. They all tumbled and shrieked all the way down. They collided with a rock and were pushed into a huge whirlpool which tossed them like clothes in a washing machine. “We are falling!”… … 30 seconds later. “We’re still falling!!”… … 1 minute later. “WE ARE STILL FALLING??”… … Finally, they stopped falling. A huge black iron gate with one big word – HELL came in front of them! “Argh! Ahhhhhhh! HELL!” they screamed and clung onto each other. The burning gate opened of its own accord, revealing a world of lava, poisonous pits of smoke and toxic waste lakes. They entered the world of Hell slowly with quivering steps. All around them were flaming fireballs and volcanoes. Ghost prisoners were flogged like crazy and forced to make heavy metal chains every day. Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand looked around and couldn’t believe their eyes that everyone was whipped and tied up with burning chains. To their surprise, THREE ghosts looked exactly like them - Monkey Ghost, Pig Ghost and Friar Sand Ghost! These three ghosts were tied up with heavy chains as well as red-hot coals and they passed through the gate of Hell. Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand, being curious, followed the ghost prisoners to the Judging Room. In the room, the ghost prisoners were dumped on the floor like trash and forced to kneel down.