Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 174

A Scrumptiously Zen Adventure Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Lai, King Tung Allegra - 10 M any of you might know about the famous adventures of the valiant Monkey King Sun Wu Kong, the Master Monk Xuanzang and their companions Pigsy and Sand Friar. However, only a handful of lucky souls knew about their fantastic culinary skills. Xuanzang was renowned for pairing ingredients that were unlikely matches together to make a scrumptious dish, and his secret was his collection of special herbs. To further improve his culinary skills, Xuanzang decided to travel to India to look for exotic spices and experience delicacies they had never had in China. Soon, they embarked on their decade-long journey from China across the southwestern mountains to India on horses. Perhaps one of their most famous challenges was the encounter with the Skeleton Ghoul. Certainly, you must be familiar with Sun Wu Kong’s defeat of the Skeleton Ghoul, but little did you know, the Skeleton Ghoul did not actually die. Instead, many years later, she was granted Two Gold Lotus Flowers, a commendable honor granted by the Tang Emperor Taizong. The story started right when the group watched in horror as another innocent and unfortunate passerby was killed by the Skeleton Ghoul. Sun Wu Kong burst out, “Don’t you harm anyone! You horrible monster…” Xuanzang desperately tried to cover Sun Wu Kong’s mouth, but it was too late. The Skeleton Ghoul had already heard them. Eyes gazing at another passerby, the Skeleton Ghoul licked her lips and grinned. Sensing the trouble, the group huddled together, discussing their options to move the Skeleton Ghoul with the Buddhist values of compassion and kindness instead of killing her outright. Breaking their huddle, they set up a makeshift kitchen to make deep fried tofu topped with mandarin rind. When the Skeleton Ghoul saw the scrumptious dish, her eyes lit up and she smacked her lips. To the group’s delight, the Skeleton Ghoul forgot about the passerby and consumed the tofu dish. But alas, the Skeleton Ghoul felt famished again after only a few minutes. Pigsy had an idea and quickly said, “Hold on! I smell white truffle!” Without another word, he bent down and started sniffing and digging. Before long, Pigsy held up a handful of precious white truffles. Scrambling around, the group whipped up lo mein noodles accompanied with mushroom sauce and shaved white truffles. To complete the delectable meal, Sun Wu Kong plucked a strand of hair from his head and blew on it, turning it into a miniature Sun Wu Kong. Sun Wu Kong whispered to his clone, “Go to the kitchen of Xuanzang’s home monastery and get some of the best oolong tea leaves you can find in China.” And with that, the petite clone dashed off. Seconds later, he came back with the fragrant oolong tea leaves, which Xuanzang turned into an appetizing oolong tea jelly with chrysanthemum petals. The group marched over to the Skeleton Ghoul and said sternly, “You can have this dish and we will teach you some astounding culinary skills if you stop harming people. Deal?” “Deal.” The Skeleton Ghoul replied. “But there is one problem.” “What is it?” the group questioned. The Skeleton Ghoul explained how the people in China were still after her. Even though she was willing to turn over a new leaf, she might still be hunted. On her behalf, Sun Wu Kong begged the Goddess Guanyin to give the Skeleton Ghoul a new body. They hung up a fake skeleton to make people believe that the Skeleton Ghoul had been defeated. True to her word, the Skeleton Ghoul kept her promise thereafter and picked up some splendid culinary skills from the maestros. And so the group continued their journey to India after helping the Skeleton Ghoul set up a new vegetarian restaurant. Before the group passed through the furnace of the Flaming Mountains to reach India, they needed to cool the mountain down. Problem was – how? All of a sudden, the Sand Friar yelled, “I’ve got it!” The others bugged out their eyes in astonishment. He was such a peacemaker that nobody expected the sudden outburst. “The myth goes that one swish of the magical Iron Fan will cool the mountains to a temperature as soothing as spring, making it bearable to pass through. First, we will persuade the Iron Fan Princess to lend us her fan. Next, Sun Wu Kong will swipe it across the mountains. Finally, we will pass through the mountains. Simple!” At the palace, Sun Wu Kong begged the Iron Fan Princess to lend them her fan, but she sternly refused. At that moment, her husband, the Ox Monster, had just returned home. Sun Wu Kong seized his chance and said, “Old pal, if you let me borrow your wife’s fan, I will make you an all-sprouts meal.” “Really?” the Ox Monster’s eyes lit up.