Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 169

After escaping , Bajie felt exhausted as usual and took a nap by a trickling stream because he kept on moaning that he was tired and hungry . The rest of them rested under the shade of an abandoned temple as the warm afternoon sunrays lit up the sky above . Wu Kong clambered up a towering tree and picked some gingko fruit for them to share . Munching on them blissfully , they listened to the faraway chants of the monks from the monastery . Soon , Wu Kong , Ellie and Conner became aware of numerous footprints in the mud around them . “ What can it be ?” asked Ellie nervously . Wu Kong didn ’ t even get a chance to reply when growling tigers surrounded them . “ Ha ! Do you all think I ’ m afraid ?” chuckled Wu Kong . He swung his iron bar in front of the tigers and hit one squarely in the chest as it whimpered and scampered away . The brave warrior started to fight while Ellie and Conner quivered in fear . The tigers sank their sharp teeth into Wu Kong , but he freed himself and chased away all the nasty tigers . Suddenly , a huge light shone above him . It was Buddha ! “ You have done a marvellous job , goodbye !” Buddha praised . Just as suddenly , Buddha vanished into thin air . Wu Kong turned to Ellie and Conner when they asked him how could they leave this place and return home . A gentle smile came over his face . “ I ’ ll help you ,” he smiled , “ since you helped us . Goodbye !”
Flash ! After a flash of bright white light , Ellie and Conner were suddenly back at home , sitting on their beds . They exchanged shocked looks and couldn ’ t believe what had happened . After this adventurous experience , they both realised that helping others is incredibly rewarding and they promised to always be there for each other .