Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 162

The Magical Journey of Zack
Creative Primary School , Wong , Oliver - 10

One day , Zack was wandering in the woods near his house because he skipped school to avoid the Math test that he did not study for . As he ventured deeper into the woods , he suddenly stumbled into a hole and he kept falling down into an endless tunnel until he hit his head on a piece of bamboo .

“ What ’ s going on ?” Zack shouted , he suddenly discovered that he was no longer human but a white horse , the worst thing was somebody was sitting on top of him ! “ Who are you and why are you sitting on me ?” The man on top of him replied , “ My name is Xuanzang and I am a monk and a master . Me and my pupils , Monkey King , who is the monkey-looking warrior ; the Talking Pig , who is the pig-looking fat man , and the Friar . We are on our way to the West to collect the ancient scrolls and bring them back to my King .” “ But why am I here and what am I supposed to do ? I am a boy from 2017 and I accidentally fell into a hole and became a talking-horse ,” Zack asked . The Monk said , “ My boy , that hole must be a portal that sends you from the future to the past . We are now at Tang Dynasty .” “ I don ’ t want to be here , I want to go home !” cried Zack .
The Monk said , “ I think your only chance of going back is to help me find the ancient scrolls as I read in some old documents that the ancient scrolls have magical power which might be able to help you go back to the future . Let me introduce you to my pupils as we will be travelling companions for a while .” The Monk shouted to his pupils and asked them to come meet Zack . He then explained to them Zack ’ s background and why he would be joining them . The Monkey King said , “ Boy , you ’ d better respect me as I am the eldest pupil and the strongest .” The Talking Pig said , “ You ’ d better look after yourself and don ’ t eat my food !” The Friar said , “ Welcome to our team ! Although I am the weakest of the three , I will try my best to protect you and my Master .” Zack looked at these three weird characters and he suddenly wished that he was at school doing his Math test !
As they continued their journey , they reached a village which looked quite deserted . As it ’ s getting dark , the five of them decided to stay the night in the village . They reached an old hut and went inside to rest . In the middle of the night , suddenly light flashed and a group of monsters appeared out of thin air . One of the monsters , who looked like an ox , shouted , “ Hand me the boy . We are space-travel policemen and the boy broke space-travel laws and needs to be sent to jail immediately !” The Monk said , “ Please don ’ t ! He is part of our team !” The Monster Ox said , “ If you don ’ t hand over the boy immediately , I will eat you ! You look quite tasty !” The Monkey King jumped out and said , “ You leave my Master alone or you will die !” The Monster Oxen and the Monkey King started to fight . The Talking Pig hid underneath a table and the Friar stayed close to protect his master . The Monkey King was so powerful that he managed to beat all the monsters , and as he was about to kill them , the Monk shouted , “ Let them be ! We cannot kill any living beings . Killing is against our religion !” The monsters scrambled away and they continued their journey !
As the journey progressed , they came across so many monsters ( a . k . a . space-travel policemen ), some in the form of spider women , some in the form of human warriors and some even in the form of enchanted skeletons ! Luckily , the Monkey King was so powerful that he had beaten them all . After walking for many , many days , they finally reached their destination which was a very old temple . They went inside and searched for the scrolls and all of a sudden , a huge number of monsters fell from the sky . The Monkey King , The Talking Pig and the Friar all joined the fight against the monsters while Zack carried the Master to continue their search for the sacred scrolls . Finally , they found the scrolls buried deep inside a dark corner of the temple . After they removed the scrolls , a hole appeared . The Master shouted , “ That must be the portal that will take you back to the future . Quick ! Jump inside !” Zack turned and said thank you to the Master and jumped into the hole . He kept falling , falling , falling and falling into an endless darkness !
Suddenly , Zack heard someone calling his name and when he opened his eyes , he saw his mum leaning over him , saying , “ Wake up ! It ’ s a quarter to eight already ! If you do not get up now , you will be late for school and you have a Math test today !” Zack then realized the adventure was just a dream and he quickly got up and got ready for school . Zack thought to himself , “ My dream was so weird that no one would believe a word . I ’ d better go to school and take the Math test that I did not study for . Facing potential punishment is definitely better than skipping school and running into the risk of facing the monsters !”