Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 16

New Journeys to the West
Kennedy School , Cai , Henry - 8


he moon is dark and not bright anymore . Everyone in the city is worried . When they look up into the sky , the moon is dim . People bump into each other at night . They cannot travel to anywhere in the dark and the world is completely dark . They want to know why the moon is dim . Thus , they come to find the cleverest man , Xuanzang , since he has studied the precious scriptures from India . Xuanzang gathers the mischievous Monkey King , the Friar , and the Talking Pig . They travelled to the moon the find out the problem with the Monkey King ’ s flying cloud . As fast as a lightning , they are on the moon . They ask the wise man on the moon what is happening . The wise man tells them that the world is not a loving world anymore and the moon relies on the love in people to glow . As people is getting apart from each other , the moon is running out of power . When they come back from the journey to the moon , Xuanzang and his friends start to love each other first and teach the people on earth about love . Days by days , people noticed that the world needs to be filled with love . Everyone starts to care about people around them – say hello when they meet each other , care for the people in need , help whenever they can . And , the moon is bright again . However , this time is not because of Xuanzang and his friends , or the magical power of the Monkey King , but the love from everyone in the world .