Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 139

The River that Saved my Life
Clearwater Bay School , Gresham , Hayleigh - 10

I heard screaming , crying and gunshots . I thought it was the end of my life . All the soldiers run into our camp and shoot our leaders . I start crying too . I remember Mama told me that if bad things ever happen , take a deep breath and stay calm and everything would be okay . I did that , but nothing went better . I tried to keep myself calm but tears kept bulging out of my eyes . The only thing I had with me was the letter from Mama before she died from a gunshot of a soldier . I read it incase it would be the last time I could ...

Dear Saanvi ,
Mama misses you very much . I hope you will make friends in the camp . I want you to understand that only children can go to that camp and I need you to be safe . You have made me a very proud mother of a beautiful daughter , and remember if anything bad ever happens , take a deep breath and stay calm and everything will be okay . I love you Saanvi .
Love Mama xxx
A tear ran down my face . I hugged the letter tight to my chest . I ran to my tent and hid in there until everything calmed down . I peeked out to see who was there . It was a dark blue sky and there was a soldier guarding the outside of our fence . I also saw some other children too so I knew it was safe to go out of my tent .
I went to my friend Prisha . All of the children in the camp are Indian , we were all immigrants . I asked Prisha if she had dinner yet , she said we probably won ’ t be getting any . I plucked up the courage and went to ask the soldier when we could eat .
He somehow gave me a weird pity look “ I do have food for you but first I need to tell you this , I shouldn ’ t be doing this but I must . Call all of the children over here and i ’ ll show you a way back to India .” whispered the soldier through the fence . His breath stunk like rotten tuna but I didn ’ t care . A shriek of of excitement ran down my spine . I skipped over to everyone and told them the exciting news .“ A way to India ?! From China ?! HOW ?!” Prisha squeaked . “ Then come on let ’ s go !” I whispered .
I could hear the soles of the children ' s bear feet banging on the floor and sprinting to the fence . The soldier inserted a key into a tiny lock and opened the metal fence . It made a screechy sound that made me quiver . We all crept with the soldier in the silent night as he led us to a river which looked like it would never end . He handed me a plastic bag with two big loaves of bread and another bag with two bottles of water . “ Now you need to be careful , you got me ?” whispered the soldier to all of us . “ We got you ” I whispered back . I smelt that frothy tuna breath again , I tried to ignore it . “ Just follow along the banks of the Brahmaputra and hide in the trees if any soldiers try to look for you , it would take around one and a half days for you to get to India if you ’ re fast and efficient ” The soldier exclaimed . We nodded . The soldier eyed suspiciously everywhere around us before he let us go on our adventure . There was a moment of silence . “ GO RUN ! GOOD LUCK !” The soldier shouted in his whisper voice . We all ran . We ran for our lives . We found a place where we could sleep . It was under a big oak tree . My hands felt like blocks of ice and my lips turned purple . Our camp leader taught us about survival before being shot . We all huddled together to share warmth . I curled up with Mama ’ s letter and felt a bit more warm .
The next morning I woke up with painful muscles . I could barely walk , but I had to deal with it . I put my letter in the plastic bag with the water bottles . I managed to make a sort of backpack with it . I pass the bag with the bread to a boy named Advik , he tries to make the bag a backpack too . We walked and traveled for hours and hours on end . Suddenly , my eyes went bloodshot . I saw a soldier pointing his gun . “ Get up in the trees !” I whispered trying to get the groups attention .
Everyone looks at me with the eyes of terror . “ GO !” I said in a loud whisper , running into the trees I start climbing , the other children follow panting away . The soldier sat down and started eating tuna underneath our tree . Now I know why their breath stinks . “ Come on ! We need to move ! Hang on that vine and swing