Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 130

the time Bodhisattva realised that they had lost the scripture , as a punishment , the buddhas banished Wukong to the mortal world ...” “ Oh !” I knew what he was thinking . “ Can you translate it ?” He looked closely at the first section on the scroll : “ This scroll shall be returned before the winter solstice of 2018 ….” He paused in alarm . “ That ’ s just …” his voice trailed off into the distance . “ In a few months ,” I finished for him . “ Yeah ... that ’ s not much time ,” he muttered . He kept on translating :“ Monkey King shall stay powerless in the Kam mountain …” “ Wait a second !” I interrupted , “ I mean — sorry , but Kam mountain — it rings a bell !” Advika raised an eyebrow , but a fraction of a second later I remembered — “ KAM MOUNTAIN , HONG KONG !”, Advika and I said in unison , capering around the room with ecstasy .
*** We finally arrived at the base of Kam Mountain . The ground was peppered with crinkled , yellow leaves . A nature aroma filled the surroundings . The mountain looked golden under the shiny sunlight . I paced around a big rock , wondering how I could find Monkey King .
Suddenly , a screeching noise ripped through the mountain . “ Could that be---- ” “ Jessica , look ! Monkeys !” Advika yelped . I looked up . A mob of monkeys were swinging through the branches . I realised why the buddhas had sent Monkey King here . And like a bolt of lightning , a great idea struck me . I set the scroll down on the rock and then stepped back . Advika and I held our breath , waiting anxiously , excitement and tension creeping over our bodies .
After what it felt like hours , a monkey covered in golden fur crouching low in the bushes leapt gracefully onto the big rock . He studied the scroll for a moment . His eyes lit up with gratitude and he winked at us …