Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 124

New Journeys to the West
Canossa School ( Hong Kong ), Wong , Kwan Yui Adrian - 10

Tang Monk , together with Monkey King , Sand Monk and Pigsy made a long journey to India and took scriptures to China successfully . After that , they became immortals and lived in the palace in heaven . They lived there and had a peaceful life for many years . One night , Tang Monk had a terrifying nightmare . He saw thousands of people suffering from disease and dying . He woke up and could not sleep . He thought people were living happily and didn ’ t believe his dream . The next day , he asked Monkey King , Pigsy and Sand Monk to go to the mortal world to find out the truth . Monkey King , Pigsy and Sand Monk went to the mortal world the following day . They all sat on a cloud and flew to the mortal world . They were very excited because they hadn ’ t been to the mortal world for a very long time . Although heaven is a good place , they were bored after staying so long . Monkey King , Pigsy and Sand Monk were very shocked at what they saw . There were lots of sick people and many dead bodies lying on the ground . Some children had become orphans because their parents were dead . The people around them were very sad and hopeless . ‘ They are so poor ,’ said Pigsy . ‘ Can we help them ?’ asked Sand Monk . ‘ Let us ask them what happened ,’ suggested Monkey King . Monkey King asked one of the people who passed by . He sighed and said , ‘ A month ago , many people caught a cold . They got high fever and coughed a lot . Although they had already taken medicine , they died very quickly .’ ‘ Why did so many people die ? It was just a cold ,’ asked Sand Monk . ‘ I don ’ t know . In the past , if people caught a cold , they could recover soon . Now more and more people get sick and die quickly ,’ said the man . ‘ We need to find out what happened here ,’ said Monkey King . Monkey King turned himself into a doctor . He found a sick person and asked him , ‘ When were you sick and what happened to your family recently ?’ ‘ I don ’ t know . Two weeks ago , my father got high fever and coughed a lot . Although he took medicine , he was getting worse and worse . Then some of my family members were also sick . My father died yesterday and his body was in the next room . Now the whole family is very worried as we are afraid that we will die too ,’ said that sick person . After Monkey King left the house , he turned himself into a mosquito and flew into the dead father ’ s nostril . He flew around inside the dead body and discovered that his lungs were seriously damaged . Monkey King then flew out of the dead body . He joined Pigsy and Sand Monk and they went back to the palace in heaven . Monkey King , Sand Monk and Pigsy told Tang Monk what they saw and found . Tang Monk is very kind . He took pity on the poor people in the mortal world . He told this tragedy to the Goddess of Mercy . She went to the mortal world to see what had happened . She discovered it was an infectious disease . It was very terrifying . It spread quickly . She wanted to stop it from spreading . She went back to heaven and told it to the Lord Lao Zi . ‘ Lord Lao Zi , could you please make some medicine to help the poor people in the mortal world ?’ asked the Goddess of Mercy . ‘ They are so poor . I will try my best to help them ,’ said the Lord Lao Zi . The Lord Lao Zi made the medicine without taking any rest . He succeeded finally . He gave this medicine to Tang Monk . Tang Monk ordered Monkey King , Pigsy and Sand Monk to take the medicine to the mortal world immediately to save those poor people . Monkey King , Pigsy and Sand Monk went to the mortal world . They visited the patients separately . ‘ Take this medicine and it will cure you soon ,’ said Monkey King and the other two . The patients took the medicine and recovered soon . They saved all the patients and returned to heaven happily .