Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 12

New Journeys to the West
Dulwich College Beijing , Li , Yuyai - 7

Once there was a girl called Emma . Her Mum and Dad had died . Emma was an orphan . She was 10 years old . She was born in 1000 and her Ayi had bought her up . She wanted to visit India because her Dad and Mum died there . They went to India 8 years ago and visited a secret building . They met a ginormous giant there and unfortunately , the giant ate them .

Emma decided to go to India by aeroplane . She saw a frightful person with magical gloves in the aeroplane . She knew his gloves were magical because she saw the person put on his gloves and turn the rice to chips .
Emma sat behind him . She thought he was the person who cursed the secret building . The aeroplane landed . She followed the frightful person .
Luckily Emma found the building . She saw her Mum and Dad ’ s skeleton . But a giant was hiding behind a pillar near by the skeleton . Emma had to hide behind a bigger pillar . Emma found that the giant seemed to be asleep . When she wanted to go there she saw the frightful person with magical gloves again . He was putting liquid medicine on the giant . The giant woke up .
Emma was frightened . She moved her feet carefully . Suddenly Emma fell down a hole . Emma met a boy called Andrew there . Andrew said his parents had been eaten by the giant too . Andrew and Emma found a step then Emma said " Let ' s get on the step ." They went on the step and found a treasure box . They opened it and found a magic clock marked " Can change time ". They turned it to 1002 because their parents all died in that year . But they couldn ’ t still stay in India in 1002 .
Suddenly they saw a " MAGIC EDDY ". There was a mark " take you to any places if you say where you want to go ." They took the teleoperator on but they forgot to say which place they wanted to go , then they landed on a mountain . A friendly person told them it was 199 kilometers away from the secret building . They had to take the hole teleoperator on again and the eddy opened . They said “ secret building ”. Then , they landed on the top of the building . And they jumped into the window , finally they got their family skeleton .
When they wanted to leave , a numen appeared . " I ' d like give you two machines that can bring your Dad and Mum back to life because you are so brave ." They thanked the numen and took the machines . The numen took them back to their home with magic . They put the skeleton into the machine that could relive their Dad and Mum . So they asked their Ayi happily “ Can we play with each other in the park ?” And they all said “ yes ”.