Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 618

The Journey to Tibet
Zhuhai International School , Ouyang , Judy - 10

This is a very exciting , but dangerous journey to Tibet . This is the first night of the journey . Our car is stuck in the middle of the forest ; the car has no more power to drive to the closest village next to us for a shelter tonight . It ’ s too dark to walk to the village , and all of the electronic resources are powered off . The forest has many animals that hunt at night . I can even hear wolf howls echoing through the jungle . I try to calm myself and take a nap , but the noise beside me is keeping me awake . I try to make myself comfortable and cover my head with a jacket . I spent my first night of the vacation in a jungle .

The next morning … We prepare stuff for tomorrow ’ s hike ( to the village ). My father put all the breads and cookies in his bag , and two buckets of water . My mother carries the shirts , and the covers . I just need to take my shirts and water bottle , and some stuff that we take off the car .
After an hour , I count the stairs in my brain as I go 144,145,146 … As soon I count to 189 there is a village in view . It ’ s still noon , and our food is almost finished . It ’ s lucky for us that one of them knows a little bit of Chinese . We get 5 of the Tibetan breads , and a bag of milk ( they pour the milk in the plastic bag ). We need a place to rest , so we keep on traveling until we get to a flat land beside the lake .
My father uses the clothes in his bag to make a web , and tries to fish . My mother and I set out the tents , and start a fire . My dad comes back with a lot of shrimp , shells , and tiny fish . We lay out a metal plate ( which is on the front of the car ), over the fire , and spread out the food on it . The metal plate has many holes at the bottom of the plate , so the fire can reach the food . We use another bowl and scoop some water from the lake . We put the shrimp in there , and then we put the bowl on a stick over the fire .
After we finish our dinner , we send out a signal , hoping the helicopter will see us as when they pass by . 3 minutes later … a helicopter circles above us . Then , slowly lands beside us . Thank goodness , it ’ s the rescue team .
On the helicopter , I wave my hand at Tibet . It was a dangerous journey , but it was also an adventure .