Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 595

The master just stared, unable to do anything in shock. Then… BOOM! When a single inch was left between Sha He Shang and the monster’s drooling mouth, with a mysterious ‘thump’ BUNNY fell straight to the ground. All of a sudden, the master and Sha He Shang saw three shadows. They knew just by the shadow…that they were the Monkey King, Pigsy, and the White Dragon Horse!” grandpa told. “YAY!” I whisper-shouted. I was glad to hear a story with a happy ending. “It is not finished yet. When BUNNY opened his eyes, he forgot everything. ‘Who am I?’ he thought. He also thought that the master had helped him, so he fixed monkey king’s stick. They became friends and the master asked him whether he wanted to go on a journey with them, but BUNNY insisted on not leaving.” Grandpa said. “Tell me more!” I begged, but his reply was disappointing. “It is time for good boys to go to bed.” he said. The ‘time for good boys to sleep’ seemed way past though. Suddenly my eyelids felt so heavy…and zzz..I fell asleep.