Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 560

We left the temple a few minutes later and began to walk back to the city but we were cut off by a river. It was cold, deep and wide but most of all, it’s full of sea monsters. They had long necks, big bodies and a sail on their backs. We had to cross by jumping on the backs of the monsters. We accidentally dropped the scroll and it got all wet. When we all got to the other side, we hung the scroll out to dry but we found out it was a trick! The pages were blank with not a single dot on them! We jumped across the monsters and sprinted back to the temple. The king buddha tried to trick us by saying it was invisible ink or saying that the ink got washed off. He finally gave up and gave us the real scroll. He also gave us a flying cloud to take us back to the city. We climbed on and watched the trees, hills, houses and dunes zip by. We landed where we first came through the portal and got off. We noticed the giant city behind us and saw that we didn’t see it when we first arrived. The portal appeared again so we jumped through and went back to the normal world. Back at school, everything returned normal and they were in the same position before they froze.