Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 394

New Journeys of the West
Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School , Lam , Christy - 11

Xuan Zang--this is my name . You are reading my diary for my amazing travels . I am now travelling alone in the endless desert to succeed my mission . What mission ? To go to the Indian God to see Hanuman . Word says that once you see the God Hanuman , you will get the knowledge you want . The knowledge I want is to heal diseases that cannot be cured , so the world will be painless and wonderful . I am now entering a spectacular forest . Birds chirped like they are singing a song , and the livery leaves are dancing with the wind . A warm , moist wind blew . Ahhhh ….. what a beautiful forest . “ Heee ... Heee …” What was that ? It sounded like laughter . I jerked my head . Whoosh ! And a net was fired towards me .

I was stuffed roughly into a sack . “ Please , don ’ t hurt me , I ’ m just a poor monk with no money ….” That was all I could say to the thing outside . There was no reply . After being trapped here in this cramped space for hours , the sack finally stopped moving . I can hear some voices outside . “ What is that ?” A gruff voice was heard . “ A Monk …” “ Ok , go to the King immediately …” I felt the sack move again , and made a final stop . The sack opened . I have a clearer vision of the things around me . Monkeys , everywhere , around a wide arena made of marble with a gushing waterfall behind . A Monkey was sitting comfortably on a golden throne eating some grapes . This must be the King of all of these monkeys . “ Who are you ?” His voice echoed around the arena , looking down to me with his blazing eyes . “ I ’ m .. I ’ m … a poor Monk —“ “ Good ! You are a human , right ? I ’ ll just cook you for lunch ! What do you think , my fellow monkeys ?” Yesss ! Voices shouted all across the arena . “ No , wait ! Don ’ t you want to know why I came here ?” I shouted to the Monkey King . The King narrowed his eyes .” Continue speaking .” He ordered . “ My name is Xuan Zang . I am now on a mission to go find the wonders of the God Hanuman . You can get the knowledge you want after seeing him .” The King seemed satisfied with my answer . “ Then can I come with you ? I always wanted to know the knowledge of the universe and its powers .” I was stunned by his reply . “ Yes , but the knowledge you want to learn must be for the good of the world .” “ I , the Monkey King , swear to god that the knowledge I learnt will be used for the good of the world , or else I will be cursed for eternity .” The Monkey King shouted , staring up to the azure sky . “ It is decided that the Monkey King will ascot me with my travels to the God Hanuman .” I said clearly to all of the monkeys . Cheering came from everywhere . I had a scrumptious feast there at the land of the Monkeys and left at dawn with the Monkey King .
We soon arrived to a river bank to fill our water sacks and rest for the night . Shining stars shone on the pitch dark sky . The Monkey King was snoring loudly , but I just cannot fall asleep . “ Come here ….. Come here ……” a voice whispered inside my head . What was that ? Enchanted by that voice , I followed it . It came from deep inside of the cave behind the river bank . “ That ’ s right …. Come here …” Should I go in ? I hesitated . What if there was a monster inside ? But this voice , this whisper was so hard to insist . Step by step , I walked inside the cave . Suddenly , I felt a scratch on my back . I turned my head , and what I saw was a colossal dragon with claws like razors . His bloodshot eyes glared at me , as if it was telling me I am going to be his prey . I screamed . I tried to run , but my feet were like steel . It just would not budge . All I could do was to stare at the creature with my mouth open . The dragon snatched me from the ground . His grip was so tight that I couldn ’ t even breathe . “ I hear that eating monks can give me the knowledge of immortal ,” He voice boomed loudly . I could smell his icky breath with a mixture of blood and flesh .
“ Hey dragon , it ’ s the Monkey King here ! I hear you have a monk here in your lair , do you mind sharing it with me ?” A mischievous voice giggled . I squinted in the dark , and there standing , looking proud and brave , was the Monkey King . “ Monkey King , I ’ m here ! Save me !” I shouted as loud as I could . “ Oh , so you are challenging me , right ? I accept your challenge !” The dragon put me on a chair made of stone , and the competition began . The dragon hurled a fireball to the Monkey King . He ducked the fireball . Then the dragon spitted fire from its mouth . The Monkey King defended it using a protective shield . “ Now it is my turn !” The Monkey King exclaimed . “ Water tornado !” A tornado made out of water was on top of the dragon . It made the dragon swirl around and around , until he feels dizzy . “ And then the finale , a tsunami !’ A gigantic wave washed towards the dragon . “ Nooo ….” the dragon screams in agony , as he becomes smaller and smaller and soon disappeared with a poof . “ These creatures are the minor ones ; there will be more on the journey to Hanuman …” The Monkey King said quietly to me . It was already morning when we walked out of the cave .
We were walking for days , and we soon arrived to a village called Blossom Village …….