Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 336

New Journey to the West
Korean International School , Han , Clara - 8

O nce upon a time there was a huge banana sitting on a mountain . The mountain was called Banana Mountain . There lived lots of other monkeys . For hundreds of years monkeys thought of opening the banana but they were too scared . Then one day the banana split open . Then a monkey came out . Since the monkey was born from a banana they called him Monknana . He wore tae kwon do clothes and had a blue and sparkly band with stars around his head . He had the power fly and defeat animals that are bigger than him . In Banana mountain , there was a king called Ku Fu . He wore rich clothing and everyone worshiped him . He was the king because he was the one who sailed the ocean and discoverd banana mountain . As time went on , Monknana got more powerful . Then one day Ku Fu said , " I am too old to rule Banana Mountain , so we will have a vote for a new king or queen ." Of course everyone all voted for Monknana since he was powerful and had magical powers . When Monknana was king he made a palace made out of bananas , fruits and trees . Monknana found a special waterfall which nobody knew where it will lead to . Everyone wanted to find out .

One sunny day Monknana decided to go on an adventure through the waterfall . He wore lots of safety pads to protect himself . Just as he was about to leave Ku Fu said " To prove you have went through the waterfall bring something special ." So Monknana went back to his house that was made by wood and decorated by bananas . He packed some bananas , berries , water , weapons he made and some spare clothes he had . He saved a spot for where the special things he would find . All the other monkeys hoped Monknana would be safe . But as Monknana jumped into the waterfall everbody had the same question in mind : where will the waterfall lead to ?
Monknana went through the waterfall and came face to face with a fearsome dragon . The monkey bravely asked " Why are you guarding this cave ?" Then the dragon answered in a scary voice . " I am guarding the priceless treasure ." That made Monknana remember what Ku Fu said before . So he said " Let ' s have a fight !" Monknana made lots of other monkeys by air and brought out his weapons . Just as Monknana was about to start fighting , the dragon stopped him and shouted " Stop ! I don ' t want to fight . I will give you the treasure if you save the princess who is captured by a Monster called Bloodgrill . She is locked up in a dungeon on the west side of the waterfall ." And with that Monknana thanked the dragon and set off to the west side . After a long walk , a rabbit passed by . It was riding a beautiful handsome white horse . It had healthy long legs and a beautiful , silky and long mane . When the rabbit saw Monknana , he stopped and greeted him cheerfully . His name was Whitey and they became friends very fast so Whitey decided to help monkey on his journey . Whitey had a very similar life . He was born in a huge carrot and he was the king . Together they made a good team and Whitey had power to see very far . Monknana was just happy he had a new friend and now he wasn ' t alone . And together they set off .
As they walked through desserts and forests , they met one more friend . He was a fox and his name was Reddy . Reddy was a very smart and brave friend . So he said he would help Monknana and Whitey . As time went by they got closer to the west . Then one day they met Bloodgrill . The three friends didn ' t want to get beaten by Bloodgrill so they pretended they were evil and friends with Bloodgrill . Then one day Monknana made a plan . So the following night Monknana and the two other friends pretended to be fast asleep so Bloodgrill would also sleep . Then when Bloodgrill was completely asleep , they stabbed him on the back with a sword Whitey had . Bloodgrill never woke up again . At sunset the three friends set off to continue the journey . By the afternoon they arrived at the dungeon . It was made by brick and stone . With all of the friend ' s power they made the most biggest and strongest monkey-robot ever . With a big crash the dungeon broke into pieces . The princess ran to the friends and gave them air kisses . " My name is princess Claire . I have been in this place for one and a half years ." The princess said to them . Then they all started their journey back to the and dragon ' s cave .