Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 304

The New Journey to the West Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Secondary and Primary School, Fung, Clare - 11 I woke up in the middle of the night. I just had a terrible nightmare of having monkeys on the wall and bones of human around me. I was so scared that I went to the kitchen for milk, but I simply couldn’t sleep. I calmed myself down by telling myself it was just a nightmare - nothing was real, everything was fine. I finally got myself back to my senses and went to the bedroom, but in the middle of the staircase, I found my amulet, which was given to me as a gift from my auntie who just back from a trip in China, glow strangely. Was it just my imagination? But the amulet’s light grew even stronger, it was so bright I couldn’t see. I threw it into my drawer immediately and ducked under the blanket to cover myself. Just then, I felt something furry, something unusual. I jumped out from bed as that furry thing moaned. I turned on the lights and a monkey was in my bed sleeping! The monkey woke up. To my surprise, it spoke. “Err… where am I? Where is my master?” He noticed me and asked, “Who are you? Where is my master?” “Who is your master? I don’t know everything! Just go away! ” I muttered. The monkey looked at me. He had a shimmer of wonder in his eyes. He must have found out I was not dangerous, so he self-introduced, “Oh I scared you? Ha! What a trick! Anyways, I am WuKong, the Monkey God from China. By the way… who are you? Where am I? I have to get back to my master! We have to continue our journey to the west! I need to accompany him or he is in danger.” “Hey, calm down first, you are in Hong Kong! My name is Clare, pleased to meet you.” I hesitated. At this moment, he noticed the streak of light in the drawer. He opened it, and took the amulet. He was surprised, “I will keep that” “Uh, no, it is mine” “I need it!” “Why?” “Just give me that!” He yelled and his eyes grew super red. “I am not giving it to you!” I cried out loud. I realized something went wrong with the monkey King. I jumped out of the window and got to my dad’s motorbike. I drove away from the pursuing monkey, trying to get rid of him. I was so afraid I didn’t know where I was going. I crashed right out of the trees and fell down the cliff, and WuKong chased me. “Oh no!” I thought, “He will survive the fall, but I won’t, and he will get the amulet no matter what!” Right at the moment my head hit smack into the rocks below, a portal appeared. I fell into it as the motorbike exploded. WuKong was blasted away from the portal. He tried to jump into the portal, but too late, the portal just closed. I was sent to another dimension, or something like that, I realized I was in WuKong’s world, in the time of Tang! I saw a monk, an armed pig, and an especially fat man. The monk looked at me kindly and said, “greetings, young child, I am SanZang, this is BaJie and this is Sha Wujing. I also have a disciple named WuKong.” I stood up and asked, “WuKong, the Monkey God? He had just chased me to death. Why did WuKong go to a sort of trance?” “Yes,” He answered in pain, “ it was my fault, he pushed me away when a monster was casting a spell to suck me into a portal, one to your world. The spell was then casted on WuKong before he fell into the portal, that if he sees the amulet, he will get into a trance to get back the Amulet of Justice, which is the amulet you have. He will send it back to the monster and in that case, the monster will become king of our world.” “Is it this amulet?” I asked, and showed it to them. BaJie was so excited in a sudden, “Good! Now the fate of our world is on your hands! To save our world from doom, you have to throw it into the pit of Lava that is in the monster’s mountain, the Hot Volcano such that the monster will be melted and we can prevent him from being the king of our world!” I accepted that quest. The next day, we started the quest. BaJie and ShaZing held the monster’s minions of as I ran to the top of the volcano. There stood the monster, he charged at me. I was afraid. I looked at a big rock and got an idea. I hung the amulet on the rock. I yelled to the monster, “charge to it, and you will destroy the amulet.”