Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 302

The Three Headed Monster Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated Secondary and Primary School, Chu, Ka Yee Gladys - 11 I n Tang Dynasty, Xuanzang, Pigsy, Sha Wujing and the monkey king Sun Wukong were going on a mission to bring copies of the holy book back to China from Nalanda. They traveled for many days and many nights, and they finally arrived at Anxi and decided to rest at the edge of the water. But what they didn’t know was that a horrifying monster was lurking just beneath the surface, watching their every move, waiting for the right moment to attack and eat Xuanzang’s flesh because the flesh could give it immortality. So, the monster transformed into a beautiful woman to attract them. After they rested for a few hours, Wukong said, “All right! We have rested enough. It is time to start our journey again.” Without realising that there was a monster following them, they continued their mission. A few hours later, Wukong and his three companions came to a thick and dense forest. They were running out of supplies, so they stopped and split up to search for supplies in the area. Suddenly, a beautiful woman stepped out mysteriously from the woods and asked them in a soft voice, “Do you need some help?” Xuanzang, Pigsy and Sha Wujing were enchanted by this strange woman and immediately agreed to her help. But Wukong sensed that there was something that smelled wrong with this person and was not sure that she would be a lot of help to them. So, Wukong sent her far away without explaining what was happening to his master, Xuanzang. After Wukong sent away the woman, which was actually the monster, Xuanzang became angry at Wukong as he didn’t know who the woman really was and warned Wukong if he did this thoughtless thing of forcing “innocent” people to go away again, he would be punished severely. Wukong didn’t complain or whine about this, but instead said nothing. The monster overheard the conversation between Wukong and Xuanzang, and quickly learnt that he needed to defeat Wukong in order to eat Xuanzang’s yummy flesh. So he turned into an old man to distract Wukong. That night, Wukong set off alone with a determination to protect Xuanzang from getting killed and he really wanted to find and battle the monster that longed for his master’s flesh. Wukong used his sense of greatly accurate smell to sniff out where the monster was, and who he was pretending to be. But the monster was actually luring Wukong to himself, so that he could duel him and kill him without Xuanzang knowing about it. After eight hours, Wukong arrived at a village that seemed empty, except there was an old and wrinkled man in the middle of the houses. Wukong of course knew that he was actually the monster, so he went straight for the kill. But just before Wukong reached him, the old man suddenly began to transform in front of Wukong! He grew bigger and taller, until he was as tall as a T-rex. He also grew two more heads, one at the rear end, one on his back. There was a snake head that gave poisonous bites, a horrifying goat head that spat fire and a human head with eyes that killed. Wukong stopped immediately, felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. Sha Wujing, Pigsy and Xuanzang was standing behind him. They tracked Wukong down about four hours before he arrived at the village and saw the whole transformation of that monster. Wukong was really terrified of that monster but didn’t show it. Wukong battled the monster for a whole day, but still no one was defeated because they were equally strong, and they were both exhausted. Finally, the monster decided to take a nap. Frustrated and angry, Wukong suggested that Sha Wujing and Pigsy to bring Xuanzang to somewhere safe and far away to protect him, and Wukong himself will go to find the dragon king for help. The others agreed, so Wukong transformed into an eagle and flew out to the middle of the sea. He then shouted, “DRAGON KING! PLEASE COME AND HELP ME!” After he waited for ten very long minutes and was ready to try again, the water beneath him started to churn and formed a huge whirlpool, then the dragon king leaped out of it. Wukong quickly explained what is going on to him and together, they flew to the empty village.