Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 245

Themus was super scared that when he held the bowl he nearly tossed it over! Themus carefully drank the medicine and finally got better. He ran to the ship making sure not to trip over and ran to his room and unpacked his luggage and started putting all the stuff he brought into the shelves near his bed. It was soon dinner and Themus came upstairs to get ready. Themus hadn’t even stepped into the dining room but he could smell the fresh meat that was on the table. He quickly called everyone to eat dinner because it was so yummy. Once everyone had sat at the table, they heard a loud splash and all the delicious food on the table was splattered with salty water. Themus was super frustrated that he shouted, “WHY DID ANYONE ASK ME TO GO ON THIS TRIP?!” Everyone looked at him in disappointment and Themus blushed a little. All of a sudden, a gigantic fish popped out breaking the roof, Cathew took out his sharp sword and started fighting the dreadful creature. Themus and Cathy went around the ship and started to look for something to use to scare the gigantic fish away. Then Themus found a cannon and then without a moment to think, Themus aimed at the gigantic fish. The gigantic fish asked for the cannon. They agreed and then he soon disappeared. What an adventure although this was just the beginning!