Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 217

New Journeys to the West
Discovery Mind Primary School , Sony , Shreya - 10

1300 years ago , there once was a chinese monk called Xuan Zhang . Xuan Zhang was very pure and was as kind as a god , he had three guardians ; Talking Pig , Monkey King and Friar . The Talking Pig is very lustful and greedy , The Monkey King is very cheeky along with mischievousness whilst The Friar is very loyal and brave [ he had them these guardians to keep him safe from evil creatures that want to eat him ].

One day , the curious monk wanted to find true spirituality as well as have an adventure across china to visit the vast and beautiful country , india . He was very courageous for he knew that there would be monsters and demons waiting to eat him cause they thought it would give them eternal life . He began his journey that very day . They packed bread and soup for their journey because they knew they will be hungry on the way . They left their humble town in the mountains and climbed through the himalayas .
As hungry as lions they sat down for dinner when suddenly , GRR , GRR , GRR , there was a deep growl . There was a huge hungry monster that looked like a snake ! The Friar bravely stepped forward to fight .
They fought , clashing their weapons [ in this case a devil fork for the Friar and a heavy metal head armor with a spike on it for the snake monster ] to one another hungrily for they were fighting for their life …. At last the fight ended as the Friar stabbed his devil fork into the monster ’ s heart , with a cry of victory !
The four continued their journey up and ahead into the midst of the mountains and into the frost zone . This was a dangerous place as there were many icicles and frozen lakes .
They slid across a small ice lake towards a huge snow covered mountain . RUMBLE , RUMBLE ! CRACK , CRACK ! The mountain started to crumble ! “ RUN !” yelled Xuan Zhang . Big flaky bits of the mountain rolled down to the ground as a huge ice monster emerged . He noticed that the monster had huge icicles hanging on its fur but the ice monster snapped them off and roared loudly .
The talking pig raised his rake while he sprinted at the enormous creature , he ran into the monster ' s oversized feet and started smashing his rake on the evil monsters toes but nothing was happening , the monster took no notice and eyed Xuan Zhang suspiciously . The Monkey King took lead as he started doing a chinese balancing pose ” hummmm hummmm ” he hummed . There was a huge ray of blinding sunlight and it was so warm the ice monster , the lake and the scenery melted and the landscape changed . It was filled with cherry blossoms , beautiful green grass and it looked more like it was summer . Furthermore , all that was left of the ice monster was a huge puddle of cold water , lying defeated on the warm summery grass ….
The party hiked through the bushes and their eyes were watering as they caught sight of india . The vast area was covered in warm beige sand and there were small brick houses which looked like just huge blocks of stone where the people lived . Near the area there were small hills blocking the sunset . ” this is heaven !” the Talking Pig sighed .
They trekked across the sand and through the village towards the green , flowery hills to seek their reason for this treacherous journey .
At the hills there was a bright , shining , lime light not allowing them to see but they carried on . There they found Ajanta Caves . The Ajanta Caves were around a one floor house sized built-in caves on the side of the hills , waiting to be found . Floating above the caves was Hanuman . Hanuman was a brave and powerful indian god . He was always loyal and kind . Hanuman became friends with the four and allowed them to come up into the clouds to enjoy life and Xuan Zhang found that true spirituality is when you are peaceful and have no worries because you know that you have your great friends . THE END !