Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 186

The Ancient Secret Diocesan Preparatory School, Chu, Chun Kiu - 11 “U gh… I’ve been searching for the hidden codes within the West Scripture for ages! But there is still no progress!” whined Professor Tong. He sat down on a couch in his office, sighing. Rumours said that there were hidden messages inside the West Scripture, and he was eager to know what those secrets were. “Whatever, I’m thirsty,” said Professor’s assistant, August Chu. He went to get a glass of water. Professor Tong took a deep breath and started reading the West Scripture again for secrets. At his favourite section of the West Scripture, his face suddenly lightened. In the middle of a blank page there was a small drawing of rivers and trees. A big blank space with a small beautiful drawing. Now that he thought about it, this was strange. He placed the West Scripture on the table. August took a sip of water and plonked the glass next to the West Scripture. A bit of water splashed on the page with the small drawing. Professor Tong panicked. “What have you done? Please dry it! Quick!” August grabbed a hairdryer from the bathroom, blew hot air from it, and dried the page. But surprisingly, more drawings started to appear on the page. Professor Tong was puzzled. Then, he realised that these were the hidden messages! The messages only became clear when there was heat. The page was a map! “It didn’t look complete,” thought Professor Tong, “but you can tell that it was about treasure on the north of India. It would be a difficult journey. You needed to go through a jungle, a wide river, and a high mountain. But the map wasn’t clear about which mountain.” “August, we’ve found the secret. I’ll contact Sky,” said Professor Tong. He texted his good friend, Sky Xuan. Sky would be very helpful on the journey because he had useful inventions. “Amazing! Of course I can help!” came Sky’s reply. The next day, Professor Tong, August and Sky started their journey. They could hardly contain their excitement. The West Scripture’s map guided them to a thriving jungle. “Hmm…” frowned Professor Tong, “I think we’re being followed by someone…” But they kept moving. “Roar!” Suddenly, a tiger pounced on them. “Help!” cried August. Sky grabbed a short metal pole from his bag. Pushing a button on the pole, it lengthened! He struck the tiger with the pole and it fainted. “Luckily I came prepared!” said Sky. After an hour, they came out of the jungle. “I see the wide river!” yelled Sky. “Wait, I think someone is still following us,” said Professor Tong. “You’re right!” yelled a voice, “Heya!” A man holding a crescent shovel jumped out of a tree branch, ready to attack them. He tried to smack August with his shovel, but August pushed him to the ground.