Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 127

The Journey that changed my life
Chinese International School , Poon , Karen - 10

When my father got a job in Lisbon , I absolutely hated it . I remember the first time when I travelled there . When I arrived , everything was different . Everything . There were no noodle shops , no familiar Chinese faces , and worst of all , I couldn ’ t understand one word the people were saying . While Dad was at work , Mum and I explored the town . We visited San Justa elevator , and a cathedral . It was terrible weather - hot and sticky . I was on the point of getting heat stroke , when I spotted an Asian-styled restaurant . I begged Mum to let us eat there . It didn ’ t take much to convince her and we were soon ordering dumplings and dim sum .

Ahhh , I thought , finally I can eat some familiar food ! Surprisingly , when the food was brought to us , it looked hideous ! I nervously tried a bite , not so sure about my decision anymore .
“ Yuck !” I exclaimed . I drained the water in my cup , asking the waiter for more . Mum made a don ’ t-forget-your-manners-face at me , but I couldn ’ t stand it . I wanted to leave the restaurant immediately . Surprisingly Mum calmly took a piece of what looked like a half dumpling-half chicken wing and gulped it down . A split second later , she took a piece of tissue and spat it out . “ Karen , the food is horrible . Let ’ s find another place to eat !” Well , we didn ’ t find another place to eat because it was some sort of national holiday and nearly all shops were closed . We ended up returning to the apartment and munching on potato chips .
After what seemed like forever , Dad came home . Mum cooked noodles for dinner . Mum and Dad were talking like chatterboxes . I felt frustrated . Nobody thought about how I felt . I took a quick bath after dinner , and fell face down onto my bed . I thought about my future in Lisbon . Will I like it ? Or will I loathe it ?
The next morning , I woke up to the sound of a car ’ s engine . I yawned and stretched and walked to the kitchen . Something smelled horrible . Mum was cooking fish and chips . Or she was trying to . It looked nothing like fish and chips . I grumpily said , “ Mum , can you quit cooking local food ? I want Chinese cuisine .” “ Well , I didn ’ t expect this ! Who knows what will happen next ?” “ I know . We ’ re going to book a flight back to Hong Kong so I can have some real fun .” “ Honey , I know it ’ s hard to adapt here . Think about Dad . He was alone in Lisbon . At least we still have each other in Hong Kong !” “ Well I hate it here ,” I retorted . “ It ’ s seems like time never ticks here in Lisbon and I haven ’ t enjoyed one second of this whole trip !!”
I stomped my way out of the kitchen into my room and slammed the door shut . I flopped onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately . I had no idea how long I was napping for but when I woke up , the clock by my bed indicated it was already three in the afternoon . If I was here in my room the whole time , that meant that I didn ’ t eat breakfast or lunch ! I felt my stomach . It made a noise like a helicopter . I opened the door a crack . Mum was taking a nap on the sofa . I crept into the kitchen , careful not to let the floor creak . I snuck a pack of crackers from the snack drawer and tiptoed back into my room . I finished it in about ten seconds .
After that , I sat down at my desk and started doodling . Dad came home from work . I hugged him tight . Dad was the only one who understood me now .
Mum got up from the couch and said cheerfully , “ I ’ ve booked a decent restaurant in town for tonight ’ s dinner !”
Great , I thought . Another one of mum ’ s lame ideas . We took a taxi to the restaurant . Mum told us that we had to try this dish and that dish , blah blah blah . She was so joyful despite how I yelled at her . When we entered the restaurant , the maitre d greeted us . “ Hello ! Do you speak English ?” Of course we do , I thought . I was getting grumpy by then , because I hadn ’ t had a proper meal since I left Hong Kong . She lead us to a cosy table in one of the corners of the restaurant . Mum and Dad started choosing the dishes . I opened my book and started reading , trying to ignore them . But , when I saw the dishes , they looked very interesting ! There was shrimp ceviche , and foie gras ! I frowned at her . I tried the foie gras . Was I dreaming ? Buttery sauce flowed inside my mouth . “ Delicious ! Amazing ! Scrumptious ! Just the best thing I ’ ve ever tasted !”