Honestly Woman Issue 3: June 2017 | Page 34



People are actively leaving their jobs today because they don ’ t share the values of the organisation they work for . According to Gallup ’ s 142-country study on the State of the Global Workplace in 2012 , 87 % of people globally are either not engaged or disengaged at work .

In other words , about one in eight workers — roughly 180 million employees in the countries studied – are psychologically committed to their jobs and likely to be making positive contributions to their organisations .
In Australia at that time , Gallop tracking showed that 24 % of employees in Australia were engaged , meaning they were ‘ involved in , enthusiastic about and innovating in their work and workplaces .’
A lot of organisations talk about productivity and performance and profitability , all those things that are bound by numbers and measurements .
There ’ s a lot of evidence now that over 70 % of culture change programs in organisations are deemed to be ineffective by leadership . Companies are spending a lot of money on these programs but they ’ re not centering them in personal purpose or organisational purpose and until they do that it ’ s like trying to make the culture of the organisation better without addressing the fundamental reason for existence , which in itself is a deep , deep problem .
Centering organisations and centering people in their human purpose , rather than profit , is the secret to re-orienting organisations and making them sustainable .
We need purpose-driven , conscious women leading from within existing organisations . We need strong women to actually start right where they are and bring purpose , heart and meaning into their current workplaces , rather than flee and start something new , when they really would prefer to stay . Too many good people are leaving the very organisations that could benefit from them staying , if only management knew how to make that happen .
If leaders and decision-makers would