Homosurrealism Magazine #45 Homosurrealism Magazine 45 | Page 65



Oct. 5, 2018

Touchon and Co. Gallery


I always think of Homosurrealism as being a constantly evolving creative movement. Always improving. Always striving.

Friday Oct. 5, 2018 in Touchon and Co. Gallery will always be a night to remember for me. I hope that it will remain in your memory as well. Meeting new friends and seeing new ideas and art makes me extremely happy and I hope we can all continue our friendship.

And I am already thinking about the next show, in Berlin, where we will present amazingly beautiful 18 x 24 inch poster sized Tarot Cards to represent our international movement. Incorporate your fetishes as well as your culture. We will be presenting approximately 78 posters for all the world to love. Jack