Homosurrealism Magazine #45 Homosurrealism Magazine 45 | Page 3



By Jack Fritscher PhD

Jack Sanders (pictured above) founded the magazine "Homosurrealism" as well as the Homosurrealism movement in Atlanta in 2015 to introduce readers to exotic, colorful, and dreamlike photography, painting, writing, music, and video expressing the queer subconscious mind in the 21st century. As part of the Resistance, "Homosurrealism" adds gaydar to Surrealism to disarm its 20th century homophobia. In 45 issues, Sanders has shown more than 100 international artists and writers including Kenneth Anger, Bruce laBruce, Scooter LaForge, Piotr Urbaniak, Carlos DeMesdeiros, Cesar Terranova, Claudio Parentela, Ron Kibble, and founding contributing editor Jack Fritscher.

On Friday, Oct. 5, 2018, Homosurrealism presented a show at the Touchon and Co. Gallery in Los Angeles, California. This issue of the magazine will highlight this show with commentary, pictures, music and poetry and art taken from the photographs and videos collected from the participantts and guests of the show.


Jack Sanders
