Hometown Health Administrative Guidelines | Page 84

Primary Care Appointments
New patient to practice
A visit to establish care
95 % of appointments can be scheduled within 14 days from date of call
Routine / Preventative Appointment for Established Patients
A visit not related to an acute problem . -Regular follow up for chronic problem
95 % of appointments can be scheduled within 14 days from date of call
Urgent Care
After Hours Care
Emergent Care
-Preventive care Acute but not life or limb threatening , symptoms present sufficiently bothersome or of recent onset Care , direction of care , or provision of care by the primary care provider during non-office hours Problem requiring immediate specialty physician consultation for treatment and diagnosis as determined by the PCP
95 % appointment availability within 24 hours or direct member to urgent care
24 hours per day ; 7 days per week
Providers will direct member to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room . If request is received during nonbusiness hours , the provider ’ s voicemail will direct the member to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room .
Prenatal Care
Maternity care
1 . First Trimester : Within two weeks of first request 2 . Second Trimester : Within seven calendar days of first request 3 . Third Trimester : Within three