The holidays. So busy, so beautiful. So much stuff. Dishes. Decorations. Gift wrap. Tape stuck to surfaces, maybe forever. Laundry and dry cleaning. Left-overs. The list goes on.
If you are like most of us, you struggle with taming the mess in your home (and probably your vehicle) during the winter season because of the sheer amount of stuff that comes into and goes out of your space during these nine weeks or so. The simplest solution to the clutter, messes, and piles of stuff that creep into our corners and onto our surfaces is to tidy your space as you go. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’ll get around to it when you’ve finished whatever you’re doing. It will be Easter by the time you get back to the tidying, and the clutter monster will continue growing every day until you just can’t take it anymore and you’re ready to hire a professional! (Ask me how I know.)
But never fear, you too, can conquer the clutter before it even has a fighting chance.
Who Wants to Clean This Mess Up, Anyway?
Tidying As You Go
Keeping the Home
I mean it; before this holiday season gets into full swing, buckle down and clean your house. Spend a day working through your house room by room and clean. Not just pick up your junk, actually clean your space. If this is new to you, you can use the Room by Room Housecleaning Planner available at