Magazine September 2013 | Page 4

BACK TO HOMESCHOOL by Leah Courtney It seems to begin earlier and earlier every year. In mid- July we begin to see “Back to School” signs. Local stores begin devoting aisles to school supplies. Sales are posted. Tax free weekend sales are awaited with the same anticipation with which parents await Black Friday sales. Even though we homeschool, we aren’t immune to being caught up in the excitement. I must confess that I love the aisles of new pencils, binders, and glue sticks as much as my kids do. But what does “back to school” really mean for us as homeschoolers? When do we go “back to school”? And what do we need to do to prepare for that event each year? About the Author: Leah blogs at As We Walk Along the Road In our family we homeschool year round. Our school year runs from August to July. Through the “normal” school months we use our regular curriculum. We study daily on a set schedule. I’m not a very rigid homeschooler, but we do have a routine. During June and July we are much more flexible. We do unit studies. We read extra books. We don’t really have set days to do school. Our state requires 180 days of school, and we complete those- and more-