Of the Most Important Things
You Need to Know
About Homeschooling
Homeschooling is life changing. It creates
personal growth for both the parent and the
child. You (the parent) get a second chance
to re-discover your own special genius, while
you help your children discover theirs. Nothing
you will ever do will have a more profound
effect on your child and your family’s future as
You are qualified to homeschool your children if you love to read to them, love to spend
time with them, love to explore the world with them, love to see them learn new things and,
most important, love them.
Children love to learn. It is as natural to them as breathing. They have an inborn hunger to
explore the world and examine what is interesting. They learn by following their interests,
with one interest leading to another. This is the way we all learned as younger children and
how as adults we learn after we leave school. Homeschooling families learn together and
know that learning is a life-long process.
Homeschooling is legal everywhere in the United States, but homeschooling laws
vary from state to state. The three basic categories for homeschooling laws are: home
education laws, private school laws, and equivalency laws. T H?\??^H??[??]??][?\??]H]??\?H\????X?H??[?\???\[?[?\?\?XK????X?B??\?\?[?]]?H???H[?\??]KX\?H?\?]?\?\????[?Y\????[????\?^B?\?H?[?\??Y[?[?\??]\?\?X?[\?]??[??Y?[][??[??[?\??\?[?K???]?\???Z?H?^?ZY??\??H^H??Y\????[?\??[?[???H[YB??[?[??[?]???????\????Z][??\?Y?H[?]??????[?\??[Z[B?[??H?\\?Y???]?]?]?\?[[Y\?[??\??\????&]?X?Y?X?H[?\??[Z[x?&\?\[?\???8?'????8?'H[?\??[?[??\?H\?HX[?H?^\??[Z[Y\??Y\??????[??]???????[?H[?[?\??[Z[K????[???XY[L[\?[?[????????Y\???????H??H?[\???