Homemade Bride Magazine Spring 2014 | Page 43

43 1 Prep and Stain Wood • Sand any edges of the wood to remove rough areas. • Wipe off any dust or residue with a tacky cloth to ensure a smooth finish. • Mix the stain until thinned and start staining the signs with the tip of a rag. • Be sure to cover all sides and edges, these will be hanging so you don’t want guests to see anything unfinished. • Allow the stain to dry per manufacturer’s 2 instructions. Cut and Attach Burlap • Cut the burlap to size and place in the center of the sign. Cut approximately an inch smaller than the wood base, leaving a one-inch border. • Grab your groom and have him hold the burlap in place while you lay out where you want the upholstery nails. Once you have the placement, hammer them down until burlap is tight. 3 Paint and Hang Completed Signs • Using multi-surface acrylic paint, paint Bride and Groom or Mr. and Mrs. on the appropriate signs. Burlap is a rough material so paint slowly to avoid clumping. • Let the paint dry to avoid any smearing. Now that the signs are completed, they need to be hung. • In each corner on the back of the signs, hammer two extra upholstery nails half way into the wood. • Taking a 15” strand of twine, knot each end around the upholstery nails and then hammer completely in place. A staple gun can also be used to secure the twine if accessible. ** If you find that your upholstery nails are not strong enough to go through the wood, try using a cordless drill to create a starter hole. Be sure the bit is smaller than the upholstery nails. • Once all nails are in place, repeat on the next sign! homemade-bride.blogspot.com • SPRING/SUMMER 2014