doo med de mographically express their hysterics like the throes of
death after the deceased has departed.
We fear negation of our personage in others' minds, shunning
every relationship to such individual s; protecting ourselves fro m
terrifying reactions to the scorn that attaches to us being seen in
their presence. The modern society is plagued by Urba n
Aggravation; people fret and strut about like beetles scroungin g
the pits of dejected loneliness, confronted by an incessant delusio n
of a Lone Wolf syndro me. What can I do about this, what makes
me concert my efforts to bring pleasant feelings to myself about
me? Is it not obvious? I tell it to you, the reader! Moreover, how
can I be sure that I'm not deluded in thinking so? SO, every so
often I upload this file in a pdf format to my website where
thousands of clicks represent that it has done some good in rea l
time. That is a logical proof I have asserted as a veritable truth.
One may use the scientific method to arrive at that conclusion and
may believe faithfully by rational observation , but step on it and
crush you cannot. You msut excuse me for the mo ment; I'm bus y
with grandchildren here in my ho me.
The reader may feel the outrage of Urban Aggravation, the
frustration of crowded dehumanized living, how intensified over
the 20th Century: world governments (in the year 2011 ) sputtering
through a hurricane of inner city turmoil. Ayhy my darlings to
whom I leave a world not to my liking, yet the time is now to give
over the keys ; reconcile ourselves to demographic reality. To
forget not the now and how of "violent revolution" and turn ti the
strategy of Conflict Resolution. Begin reva mping streets and
vacant buildings in order to initiate Urban Agricultural Resource
Distribution, and Creative Potential Instruction (arts and crafts
and other cultural pursuits each in accordance to tenets o f
lifestyle); conduct that restores meaning to the purpose of huma n
being. We are homeless in our residential dwellings and must
initiate human governments as loyal me mbers of the internationa l
community. I have a solar installation on the rooftop of the
apartment building in which I reside and earn a modest monthly
inco me, as a non-taxable Private Enterprise.
On the canvas of this literary composition, the severa l
perspectives that I'm utilizing as the vehicle to dis mantle my
personality. I draw the absolute midpoint to portray an identit y
that stretches from the selfless humanitarian to the vanishing point