Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 5

B"H I am, but I can talk to myself; in fact, that's what poetry is all about. Herein you may choose to share in an investigation o f existential identification: me, who I am. We call people na mes, which bounce off one so accosted and stick to the other. What happens when I repeat to myself, "you know you're crazy"? Must I take that as a confirmation of fact, and assume that it's true? W e breathe and our lungs move and produce heat waves, the motion o f which thumps into the molecular structure of space. Those percussions cause sound to travel - like never ending and livin g unto eternity. Thought waves produce energy that blends with air currents that carry on and co mbine with other astrological forces. The net result is that my thoughts seems to travel unto eternity, as per scientists who claim that energy is not destroyed. Thus, prayer, like the She'ma mantra of Jewish people connects us throughout generations of existence from the time when the world was created until we return our souls to that facet of eternity fro m whence they e manated. Thus, adequately refuted, someone who maintains religion is not necessarily doped. It might actually be that those who invest hours in meditation prevent much calamit y from befalling mo mma earth and her creatures. Religion herein is a reference to a code of inviolable principles, which one accepts as correct guidance to his or her life, beyond the realm of emp irica l evidence to assert its verity, to act in accordance with one's beliefs. Like stated earlier, there is a pervasive digital onslaught tha t concusses and confuses us so that we feel absolutely dependent o n those who seek to exploit us. This composition is a treatise about an attempted escape from a mentality crisis , to alight upon and ride the freedom train beyond the realm of emotional restraints . This may differ fro m an identity crisis in degree, rhyme, and reason, but not when talking about escape. The mentality with which I identify has been repulsive even to me , and I therefore resolved to be other than myself. A nullification of identity ca n bring about a crisis of mentality, and I know how to explain that. In order to achieve a state of mentalit y a person has to use their noggin, to motivate brain processes into activity to wit we say, think it over. "Think," you say, who needs to do that in the modern day and age. Digital onslaught is aimed at preventing mentalit y crisis; our educational syste ms no longer develop the talent o f 5